Showing posts with label Honest Injun...Feeling good is definitely OKAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honest Injun...Feeling good is definitely OKAY. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This is it folks round the world,  this is Rice Rd. where I begin my daily walk ......pretty spectacular

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

Time marches on,  change is eminent,  this morning walk on Rice Rd. months ago at this very same time was bright & LIFE everywhere was up-and-at-em.   Now,  it's quiet.   I love the seasons.  I never want to forget who's in charge of this beautiful,  wonderful world we live in.

It's great when you listen and remember that we are not alone.  With great Love and planning,  our world
was designed for wondrous living.   Hush now,  let me tune in.   Ah yes,  it's YOU.  I'm in awe.

Again with the view,  it just couldn't go unnoticed,  so I snapped this picture,  seizing the moment ...

Stopping everything,  so hard to do sometimes,  often times even,  but I'm never sorry.  My, oh my,  I even balk at the thought of doing it.  I don't regret reminding myself of who's in charge and there is nothing to worry about,  after all.  Oh well,  yes,  I cry.  It's a real eye-opener when I have gotten caught up in what I think is SO important that there isn't time for anything but finishing this or finishing that.

............................................................................................:)    Chuckle, chuckle !!!

When I do it (whatever "it" is) with the perspective that I get -to -do- it,  not "have-to-do-it ",  there is new LIFE within and I smile inside because I AM.   And that means I can,  whenever I wish and choose to.

Wake up and "smell" the roses today and everyday.  You have x amount of days here on this planet,
what's the hurry ?   Pull a mint out of your pocket,  give it to a person next to you on the bus,  you know,  make it personal,   there's no time like the "present".   If you want,  you could call an old friend,  remember the good ole' days ...... like, "What's the Secret Word " ....with Groucho Marx,  or "Kukla Fran and Ollie",  ..... "Howdy Doody",  " Singing in the Rain"  with Gene Kelly ..... "Mr. Greenjeans" ......
"Johnny Carson" ....... "Marshall Dillon ",  ... "Dinah Shore" ... "See the USA in your Chevrolet",... add to this list,   I challenge you.  " Heart of My Heart",  I Love that Melody, heart of my heart bring back those memories,  when we were kids on the Corner of the Street ........ if this doesn't sound familiar,  sorry about that,   simply a generation gap.  You understand !

Of course......" WE ... (brother & sister) ...REMEMBER " !!!!

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................................................................:)

"Embrace Me, my Sweet Embraceable You, .................Have a "great day"  

Friday, October 2, 2015


Greetings from lovely Ojai Valley's shopping center ....

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson   _author/publisher

This is "my" day of receiving monies,  in the bank via S. S. !   The folks I know around town and all over the country are also divvying up the "rewards" of working lo those many,  many years.   Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor ?   Don't spend it all in one place.   Me,  the grocery store does a darn good business on each first of the month.  Have you gone yet?   I waded through the crowd hours ago.   Plenty buying for the weekend,  storing up for the month ahead.   It is a wonderful gathering place to catch up and say "hey".

This mall is available to Ojai-ians 7 days a week.

 In this little shopping center,  there is a Von's store ( market),  a Rexall Drug store,  a Hardware store ( True Value), Beauty Shop,  Movie & DVD rental store,  a boutique type store,  a dress shop,  and a restaurant called " Eggs & Potatoes".   Sometimes I get to go there for "Huevos Rancheros".  Yum !!

What is helpful to me is this bus stop,  with a large Gold Coast bus which travels to Ventura.  Everyday,  I can ride every half hour,  but must limit it on weekends to one bus per hour to and from Ventura.

Along side this shopping mall is this great bus stop to Ventura, CA

I am grateful for all that is here and provided for us.  Gold Coast transit to Ventura picks us up every 1/2 hr,   except weekends which is every hour.  The ride is fabulous,  but you cannot be in a hurry.   The ride to most places in Ventura, and most especially,  VTC ....our transit center is approximately 1 hour long.   All aboard !  A conversation starts between passengers and
it makes the trip very interesting.  I enjoy the cute little tykes,  some even in infant seats,  some with their dollies.   :)  Others,  on their way TO Ojai,  are taking their bicycles to ride along the gorgeous pathways in our "fair" city.

This bike rider was "gearing" up for a musical concert at Libbey Bowl.

Which reminds me ,  today in our beautiful Greek theatre is a
sing-a-long with the score from "Grease".  Folks gather on weekends
shop and sight see in the Arcade

Young & old alike are gathering and enjoying the ice cream store to the left

Take a walk on the Ojai side,  friends,  we welcome you to our town,  for eating shopping and taking in the sites,  and enjoying musical concerts as well

Bye for now,  from Ojai's "new" self- appointed Ambassador  of "good-will"

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................:)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY.....I'm supposed to "feel GOOD" ?

Guess what I discovered ?   

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

In the last few weeks,  I have been feeling "funky".   For some time I have been on top of the WORLD,  and knowing that "wholeness" is without a doubt my gift from GOD,  my "destiny",
it was a little disconcerting to be having such a "negative" feeling.  Still, I am and was aware,  that deep down in my "soul", "healing is/was taking place.

The "kicker" is this,  our "BODIES" expect sickness,  GUYS,  we are "BORN" with that 
expectation,  WE are all born with defective genes  !!!!!   < HEAR that ?  >  Our own "souls" are
"hiding out "  in our genes ( blood stream),    that we were given at "BIRTH". 

I've always believed my own body has a voice !  When I heard it say,  "you mean you "WANT" me to feel good ?  Such an awareness,  and probably ( nah, not probably), all of "US" expect,  sickness & disease.  OF course we do.  How could we NOT ?   It comes with our "original"
"guide book"  _ our GENES.     Our sub conscious has this "PROGRAMMED" at the onset.
People often wonder " Why couldn't I get better ?  I tried this and this and it just didn't take hold
or it simply didn't "WORK" !!!!!!!  Believe this,   I "heard" my own "rebel" against feeling good or me,  giving it positive strokes.  Of course I back off,  giving it time to reconsider.  No pushing or forcing, but "compassion DOES work.  "  There is no substitute for GENUINENESS or HONESTY.    But  "GLORY BE",   It is "AWESOME",  isn't it ? 

 Having "broken that "CODE",    Now anything is possible,  "ANYTHING"Start "treating your own BODY like the "special" gift it is,   the results will be a well-oiled and "Happy",
"MACHINE" !!!  By this TIME I am certain,  we all know that we are "WHOLE",  everything works together as a whole BEING.

So I am stoked,  "EVERYONE",   I "DO" hope this brings someone "excellent news today"  !!!!


(Think about it,  there "REALLY,"  "IS " something "deep down" that quite simply does not want to and cannot want to FEEL GOOD) .   Years ago I  said this to that claim  (you do not want to feel good),  I said "WELL,   I "WANT " TO "WANT TO".   Covering all your bases "does WORK" !!!  Go to BAT for YOURSELF.

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:)