Showing posts with label And away we go....... Show all posts
Showing posts with label And away we go....... Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Wake up world,  it's 6:10 am .......

This picture now,   because,  it's soothing

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'm telling you,   I had a crummy night.   I lost my camera too.   Now,  because my nerves are
in a frenzy,   ( my coffee wasn't exactly helpful ),  my nervous impulse demanded to get up and look for this camera,  that I can't live without !!!!!! ( or so says my nerves).    Our  sub-conscious is sometimes,  soooooo  demanding !   You see,  I had tried to find it and was not focusing well,  unbelieving that I could have misplaced it.   I just gave up and tried to rest,  until everything settled down.  But those demands just hounded my mind or heart,  get up,  find,  find it !!    Perspective,  that's what I said,  I need perspective.   I decided to turn off my usual music.  I put on my eyebrow/make-up.   As the walls started to close in,   this came to me,  "it's like you have a hangover" !!    Well,  that certainly did put this in perspective for me.  

I don't drink hardly any and when I do,  it's not that much.   But,  if I did I know that one would just  see-it-through",  until,  the hangover passed.  ( That's a shorter time than trying to "fix" everything NOW.    So,  having gained this insight,   I decided I "could" write my blog this morning and share this thought,   no matter what "training"  we are getting or have learned in the past,   sometimes,  when those things don't work for us,  "We  Do The Best We Can ",  and at those times it makes me crazier if I think beyond the "moment"  .  "Keeping it real " ........ for now.

* Perspective  .........

For me,  right now,  this picture says it all,   just a "no matter" attitude

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..................................................................................................:)

Saturday, September 12, 2015


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

All in all,  our three family "yard sale" turned out well.  The turn out was as well as could be expected and probably a great mix of young and old.  Just a really "cool" representation of  Ojaians.  Some attendees were familiar,  and I made new acquaintances today. 

That's first and foremost and real benefit to me.  Since I am retired , and alone ( not complaining about "that"),   it's a "treat" to connect with many who share tall tales, and just very general interest about our community.  A particular subject today had to do with "floods",  since many of us live down here in the river bottom.  It hasn't rained in a very long time.  We are, however, getting news about this years projected weather.  And the main projection is lots of rain.

 I woke up early this morning,  4:30.  I brewed some coffee,  put on some music,  and just relaxed before getting into the task of pulling my sale together.  The tables were set up yesterday,  and practically all my "junk" ,  I took by loading up my wheelbarrow.  Having a wheelbarrow here
on the "ranch" is super important.  By 6:30 am,  I headed down to the gate area,  and put the finishing touches on what may become a tradition for me.

This friendly couple were the first lookers & buyers ..... 
At some point in my picture taking,  I accidentally,  clicked the "wrong" button,  so these next pictures turned out black & white

Included in this picture is Joel ( back),  my neighbor,  who owns the emus and alpacas I've shown before on this blog  

Also, in the middle of the picture is Karen,  my courageous landlord.  She owns and runs these two properties by herself.  That's the equivalent of 8 acres !  Five of those acres are mostly avocado groves.  You may have seen a picture of me with her swimming pool in the background.

I asked this young man to pose for me in front of my sign ( the shirt he is wearing is one he purchased from me) 

This is another attendee of Rice RD.'S THREE FAMILY yard sale 

Ojians came out in droves and everyone looked like they were "having fun". All that was left and not purchased is put away,  and the tables will be put back in their place tomorrow morning.  This is the end of successful day in the LIFE of Kat Carlson.  

I'm game for another one in October,   it's  "too" much fun !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:) 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

LIFE ........?
Morning folks,  introducing a subject called "LIFE"

I just read an article on "opinions" !   So much time spent on controversy,  on sooooooooooo
many "subjects".    Well,  I guess it's a way of "LIFE" ?   Isn't it ?   Or is it ?  I have come to find out,  blessed "LIFE IS".   And  once you are in "LOVE" with  "real LIFE" ,   all such controversies and arguments "CEASE" to exist.   When one discovers their own identity,  "LIVING" & "BEING"  takes precedent over everything else !!!

Thankfully,  I go to bed "PEACEFULLY,"   and awaken with the very same "wonderful companion " PEACE".     Drugs,  prescription or otherwise,  are NOT a part of my "LIFE" !!

The discovery that "real LIFE "  was always meant -to-be this "SIMPLE"  at first took some getting used to.   HOWEVER,  now that I am in-tune with  "peaceful co-existence with "myself"
I am more-than pleased to just "RELAX and take- it- all- in.   The "extraordinary "BEAUTY"  of
 the extraordinary "aspects" of   "TRUE LIFE."   With it's "ease & simplicity". 

All I can tell you is this,  _ " I ADORE IT" !   Frankly , it is anything but "boring".   It's simple,
but  exciting and refreshing.     My email address is:  jstalucky1 ,  &  it is so  "TRUE,  I AM." 
"LUCKY"  !!!!!

"  TO  LIFE  "

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Yep,  this is "me",  waiting patiently for someone to come help me get-into-town !

by :  Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Oh, by the way,  in this picture it is 90 degrees at 10:00 a.m.  We "DO" get lots of "weather" in this beautiful little burg !  It gets very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.  being outdoors is what I prefer.  So, most days I just quite simply grab my walker and do just that !!!
I go where the people are and the vistas are plentiful.

On the move.......that's COUNTRY

The only drawback is,  there are  grocery bags to carry too!

 If by any chance I sound ungrateful,  don't count on it,........I know this is a wonderful "GIG" and cannot think of enough ways to express my thanks for the "precious LIFE" I now ENJOY.

The beautiful views on my way to.....

our nearest grocery store ( Von's) 5 miles !
Everyday I go to the store,  I walk at least 3 miles.  I take the trolley to Von's and then back to my stop on La Luna,  and head back to my little "oasis".

My driver took me a little further today 
Thank  you George,  you're a "gem" 

Me again,  shopping for "grub"

This blog/post is dedicated to the fundraiser I started a few weeks ago regarding the purchase of a "golf cart" for me to use when I have bad weather to contend with.  It just seems the smartest way to provide me with travel means.  Automobiles,  not-so-much !  

donate to Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation - Mary Carlson)  Please accept my undying gratitude & love for your contributions to this cause.
It is going to be a "relief" for sure to be independent in this way.

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

"All the way to town" 

Monday, August 3, 2015

"Sale" over for this month ,  more in the future it seems 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Last Saturday I held a very productive "Yard Sale".   Oh, don't judge by this picture ,  there's more 
I was able to eek out several signs on various mediums,  like for instance,  pillow cases...below 

Indeed ,  I did use pillow cases and customers from all over commented on my unusual signs....... 

here's  another look at the goods .......

I enjoyed myself and made a profit at the same time ....can't beat that ! 

As the day progressed,  others began to participate and decided to join me soon ( September, 2015) in a neighborhood "YARD SALE".   I "LOVE "it  !   Sounds like an awesome deal.  Then my friend, Vicki ( remember, Vicki & Red ( her horse)...that story coming up soon),  anyway, there will be a few more participants next time.

You might imagine how people enjoyed the beautiful surroundings here at the "ranch".  Yep, they did.  When the sun changed after about 10:00 am,  i started moving tables around.  It seemed prudent for people to to able to stand and look without the sun glaring down on them and the items for sale.  The tables & I moved around 4 or 5 times during the sale.  I just "chuckled" at myself for deciding to do that in the first place.  I was comfortable and so were the others.

Creativity and necessity, (the mother of invention)  are loads of fun.  LIFE doesn't usually get boring for me.  It does though occasionally.  That's when I either "go with it",  or change it.  
CHANGE for more comes often.  I know sometimes it "REALLY" does seem uncomfortable 
but when your brain has a chance to produce life-giving stimuli,  it just makes for an interesting 
"self".  At the "HELM"  of making changes,  is the product of "FAITH".  It really does make it all possible.  And believe me,  it is "scary" too! 

There are lots of "surprises" in "LIFE",  and being ready for what comes isn't often the case.  But learning to expect "change" will make  &  increase your success and ability to grow with it.

It  "IS"  all in the game ....all in the wonderful game that we know as "LOVE" ! ......( sung by: Mr. Nat King Cole)

Be ready folks,  change is a comin',  ride the tide........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:)   or "2" 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Here I AM sitting in the Director's chair....  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The last scene just ended.............I am waiting behind stage.  Oh wait, somebody must be in the Director's room,   ready to oversee the performance in the scene coming up.   Which one am I ?
The Actor or the Director ?  Oh,  well,  then there's the prop man,   the wardrobe person,  how many people ARE involved in this act of MINE ?   Or even more to the point,  this "story" of MY LIFE ?  The way I see it,  there really is only one,  at least one who decides to write or publish their own.

A few months ago,  I wrote that I am a bottom-line kind of person.   Wow,  these last few days  I have been "going there" in my "heart &  mind".  Big-time questions,  Oh Me oh My !!!  I make myself deal with the nitty gritty.   "WHAT A STUPID"  thing to do......................:)    I mean--to-say,    it's a scary thing-to-do !!    Oh well,  too late.    I already did it !!!!!

So now, what do-I-do ?  The way I see it,  pick yourself up,  brush yourself off,  and start all over again.  The question I have to let "simmer" today is no doubt "THE BIGGEST" one I'll ever have to deal with.    But I  "DO KNOW"  this, _  there is no right or wrong answer,  it's  just a "question"  !!!

Yay!  I Like That,   huh ??    After all,  I "AM" the "DIRECTOR" !!

COOL !!!!! 

(_ A Smile & a Wink_)................................................................................................:)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Hey,  I see someone in this picture,  anyone I know ?   

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

I wrote about the unusual ,  unsettling day I had yesterday in the blog I posted yesterday afternoon.  The night I had,  yes,  again unsettling.  Honestly  folks,  I have had to and am having to answer some pretty "TALL" questions from my,  precious,  bewildered,  precocious, child within.   Oh, the heart-felt, serious "look" at _ WHO AM I_ ???
For me,  I get pretty shaken and testy.    But hey,  you know,  what is,......... "is" ,  huh? 

At one point I got up and cleaned out my refrigerator,  ( well it really needed it),  but also it helped get over the seriousness and accomplish something useful while energy was being called on.  Energy,  that's a subject worth touching upon some day soon.  I'd "love" to do that.  I'm 
passionate about most things,  I mean a lot passionate.  I might  consider toning that down,  if I'm able.   It's worth a look see,  and who knows it might work !

Having worked through some of the tough questions I faced last night and early this morning,
I proceed with more caution,  but not too much,   that's a little difficult to determine,  at this point.    Plans,   however have been made that seem to please my pallet,  (agenda)   so I'll give it a "GO" ..........  and   "trust" the   "PEACE" in-my-heart   to "engineer" the whole outcome of this
day of days.   As I said earlier,   yesterday threw me off-guard,   but there certainly are curves in "LIFE",  _  never let it be said,  that "Life" is dull or easy.  You know something,  naively I thought so,  I did.   Maybe not the dull part,   but the "easy" part ....   it ain't !

Time to navigate this ship,  and test some "heavenly" prepared "waters".    I'll bring you up-to-date,  next time around.

"SHIPS AHOY"............ smooth sailing on this day,   Monday July 27, 2015

I'll trust the "captain of the ship " ?    :)  

( A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................................................................:)