Showing posts with label A quality setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A quality setting. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

With a Song in My Heart............I behold your adorable face,   that's right,  another song !  I never tire of the oldies but goodies.  This really is a lovely song,  I believe !

It IS a beautiful morning.  We here in California have experienced a little rain.  Enough to slightly water the vegetation around these parts.  Hopefully the ground will become prepared enough to withstand more.   But the smell of rain really is a treat. Then of course the air is fresher and sweeter.  Still we are hoping for much more rain.  That of course is our wish.  Our lakes are down more than they have ever been.  WATER,  our most VITAL of ALL commodities.
May you & I see & experience the replenishing of our wells & waterways!!  Let the RAINS begin,
let them "carry on" and nourish these parts.

A little sideline now,   gladly I had a chance to walk yesterday.  I happened upon these two lovelies  
Taking a "little" walk early in the morning,

AGAIN .......this shot
Enough of that,  time to go back in ...........................:)  
So o o o o o o o o o  CUTE,

Notice the wet pavement.  Actually,  I took my umbrella  !  I have been taking it with me and using it for "three" mornings now.

The first morning,  I went to our do-nut shop.  The "fellas",  (it's always fellas, how come? )
yeah,  there were lots of "guys" stopping by for a "cup of coffee" on their way to work.  I put my hand in my pocket to grab my camera, ooooooops,  no "camera",  darn it,  I  forgot to bring it.
So, ..... finishing my coffee and cake do nut with chocolate frosting,   .... the rain had stopped,  and  I decided to head back toward my "Casa de Kat"  ( 1 1/2 miles) down this hill

Once again,  down,  down  this path to "hibernate" ( notice the stables on the left) house

is lots further continuing about another 1/2 mile ahead.    I am " situated " in about the middle of this picture among-st the trees.

I made it back folks,  ready for a new day, 

How about you ?  ............... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:) 

Saturday, September 12, 2015


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

All in all,  our three family "yard sale" turned out well.  The turn out was as well as could be expected and probably a great mix of young and old.  Just a really "cool" representation of  Ojaians.  Some attendees were familiar,  and I made new acquaintances today. 

That's first and foremost and real benefit to me.  Since I am retired , and alone ( not complaining about "that"),   it's a "treat" to connect with many who share tall tales, and just very general interest about our community.  A particular subject today had to do with "floods",  since many of us live down here in the river bottom.  It hasn't rained in a very long time.  We are, however, getting news about this years projected weather.  And the main projection is lots of rain.

 I woke up early this morning,  4:30.  I brewed some coffee,  put on some music,  and just relaxed before getting into the task of pulling my sale together.  The tables were set up yesterday,  and practically all my "junk" ,  I took by loading up my wheelbarrow.  Having a wheelbarrow here
on the "ranch" is super important.  By 6:30 am,  I headed down to the gate area,  and put the finishing touches on what may become a tradition for me.

This friendly couple were the first lookers & buyers ..... 
At some point in my picture taking,  I accidentally,  clicked the "wrong" button,  so these next pictures turned out black & white

Included in this picture is Joel ( back),  my neighbor,  who owns the emus and alpacas I've shown before on this blog  

Also, in the middle of the picture is Karen,  my courageous landlord.  She owns and runs these two properties by herself.  That's the equivalent of 8 acres !  Five of those acres are mostly avocado groves.  You may have seen a picture of me with her swimming pool in the background.

I asked this young man to pose for me in front of my sign ( the shirt he is wearing is one he purchased from me) 

This is another attendee of Rice RD.'S THREE FAMILY yard sale 

Ojians came out in droves and everyone looked like they were "having fun". All that was left and not purchased is put away,  and the tables will be put back in their place tomorrow morning.  This is the end of successful day in the LIFE of Kat Carlson.  

I'm game for another one in October,   it's  "too" much fun !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:) 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It will be "wonderful" to sit here again during the day.   It's w-a-a-a-a-y too hot in the recent today,  104 degrees F. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

 i  just have "the" luckiest breaks,   like , for instance,   this morning after doing a smidgen of grocery shopping at Von's ( Y in Ojai,  CA ),  I looked desperately for a "cool" spot to sit while I waited for a ride with Gold Coast Access,  (transit).  

I sat next to an interesting distinguished looking "young" man.  I had purchased a  freshly baked yummy bagel  for a light snack.  Reaching into the bag,  the "gentleman" and I exchanged pleasantries.   Our talk took us to eatery's around town where the "silver headed" folks gather ,  exchange how-do-you-do's, and  then,  oh yes,  we go there.  We often engage in conversation about,  Health,  then family,  world news ( NOT), and successes,  ( a lot is said about our children's whereabouts too.   If all takes off well,  we open up about where we "hail" from.

I find this type of "LIFE" thrilling.  Our planet is a fabulous place,  and everyone has a "great "
story to tell.   So, on and on our minds clicked and now I know about his successful daughter Susan,  and I know he is from Illinois (originally) AND  I know his name is "ROCKEFELLER".
Introducing my new acquaintance .....

Mr.  Rockefeller standing in front of "Von's" ( * note a great smile ) 
There IS a Mrs. Rockefeller.  Too bad I didn't get to meet her.  She sounds like a busy ,  lovely woman  helping others.   A friendly shopper saw me taking a picture and offered to take a picture 
of both of us. .......

Nice looking couple  ( if only he wasn't married ).........:) 

After this chat,  Mr. Rockefeller was off to a former engagement, .... while I waited for my ride.
Below is another shot of this beautiful shopping center. " Von's Market at the famous " Y " at
Maricopa and Ojai Avenue ....
As per usual, a" day with surprises",  in Ojai Valley ! 

Fortunately for me,  my next-door neighbor happened by before long and it wasn't necessary for me to wait longer.  I was certainly hoping to beat-the- "HEAT" !  It turns out I just barely did.
When I reached mi "Casa de Kat",  and went inside to check the temp "outside"  ( dual thermometer)  it was 99 degrees at 10:00 a.m. 

The leaves from the tree where I sit in the beginning shot is singing this tune " The Falling Leaves".... ,  like you wouldn't believe !  Nothing to do but WAIT,  & watch.  In fact I did sit out and got really into the whole "falling leaf"  syndrome.   I found just "tuning into" the whole operation , incredible,  and was fascinated by it all.   LIFE is awesomely mysterious and wonderous...( children do this & now I do too).   The patterns and routines,  the sights and sounds,  meeting new & wonderful people,   all make me "grateful" ..."I AM ALIVE"._ " Fairy tales can come true,  it can happen to you,.....IF YOU'RE YOUNG AT HEART"_ sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.

 " I'll be seeing you "............ 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................................:) 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Do you know the way to MEINER'S OAKS ?? 

by: Kat (Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Maybe I should start with I am having the best time tonight,  laughing my "fool" head off.  I tell myself,  they're coming to take me away,  tra la !............................:)   Does it matter,  I say,  "NO",
a resounding "NO"  !!!  LIFE is just a bowl of cherries !  Got to pop some popcorn,  I'll be back

I'm back,  where was I ?  Oh yes,  Meiner's Oaks.   Quaint little town of Meiner's Oaks.
Today I went to M.O. to catch the trolley,  only to discover when I arrived that this is LABOR DAY,  no can do.  Here are some pictures I took of a favorite of everybody's.  A popular hang out for many,  many eons.

See the sign,  it has been Jolly Kone forever.  They have the best soft ice cream cones and taquitos.

Yummmmmmmmmm _  truly!  How a little place like Meiner's Oaks has supported this favorite
haunt is a mystery.  But it's a fact.  We, here in Ojai Valley adore our "lovely" towns and vistas.
Someone said to me tonight after reading me last blog ........ "you mean people actually ready that " CORNY"  stuff ?   I laughed so hard,  I answered,   " I don't know"............:) More corny stuff
below .....

How do you like us so far ?  Showing a little bit more of our main street,  El Roblar.
Trolleys do not run on Labor Day 

 They forgot to tell me that ! Oh well,  all's well that ends well.  I got some real nice shopping done at Ace Hardware.  And I got the "Red Carpet" treatment,  people always do there.  It's a right friendly place,  sure is ! 

Bye- bye!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's Labor Day weekend,  so I labor not !! ( ha )

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _  author/publisher

Days,  mornings,  even future days are often enhanced by the "morning constitutional",....a "WALK" in these parts of our "beautiful" community  of Ojai Valley,    first off,   when you lend a listening ear,  the sounds are spectacular,  roosters crowing,   birds singing,  even the trees make a sound,  the hills seem to give off there own special wonder, (which can be translated as a sound),   the woodpeckers hard very hard at work ( see pic), lots of them.    I even hear the trees singing,  well, .....I do !  Maybe that's just "happy" me.   Happy to  be out and about.  in the "crest" of the morning .  

Here in this picture I took this morning, is one different example of the auras I find to enjoy   

But the sights of sunrise on the mountains,  and the silhouettes of trees just before the sun peaks,
I am mesmerized and in awe of  the"teaming beauty" of  "LIFE" as  portrayed always in our Ojai gorgeous mornings.  All of LIFE is waking up,   ( well,  some are still snoozing, .... late night,  ya know?),  but when you have the chance and want to really experience something of JOY and WONDER,  this will knock- your- socks- off !  Do, please, stop,  look & listen !

Rice Road,  up higher above where I live in the river bottom,  I turn right and head back,  down the hill to delicious "casa de Kat"

I often pass this house on my walks,  I'm pretty sure these folks are still sleeping 

I guess most folks are still sleeping on Saturday morning  and  it's a "holiday"  today.   But the couple you see below are braving the "beautiful" morning and vistas 

These early risers are enjoying their walk and told me that by the time they return home it will have been 6 miles..... Y-a-a-a-y !!

More Ojaians plus our animal friend (pooch) taking a stroll.....:)

The roads/streets of this amorous valley  "beckons" me and others to open our "hearts" ( physical & spiritual)  and "minds" to all that "IS" available in the course of real "Life" .

Look at ALL those holes,  these five woodpeckers are busy bees,  ( another sound of "LIFE" )  

 I'd like to invite you to our neck-of-the-woods ,   for a  "joyful"  morning stroll.

"Happy Holiday".....

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................................:),,,  ( Word )  10/14- 1/15 Archives,  http:// ( Living Words & I Support Life)  Google+

Thursday, September 3, 2015


TO ALL PEOPLE "EVERYWHERE",   have a "safe"  Labor Day holiday weekend !

Time and again when out on my walk-a-day walk,  I discover a story and here is the one I found this morning

         Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

          A picture is worth a thousand words................ below

I'm hoping you will remember this picture of Claire,  "Cutie"  ( her own horse), and her close friend

          Now a close up of "Cutie" ........... Claire' s horse of 12 years...

"  Cutie"

The above pictures were taken in August,  2015.  I posted a blog entitled  _"On Holiday_ from Massachusetts ", _ all about these two  Claire and "Cutie".   Today,  as I approached the top of Rice Rd.  as luck would have it,   I happened upon Claire's mom,  Becky,  riding,  would you believe,   none other than "Cutie".  I couldn't believe it.    Of course when I asked the horse's name,  Becky,  ( Claire's mom)  said,  " Cutie",   I knew then it was "THE" Cutie in my post about Claire,  home for a visit.

Yep,  the one and only "Cutie" and now I have the privilege of  meeting Claire's mom ,  Becky !

Becky explained to me that on Claire's 11th birthday,  she received "Cutie" and that Cutie was 11 years old.  Claire and Cutie as you may recall,  are separated through the school year due to college.  And for Claire that means clear across the country in Massachusetts.  Surely they miss each other.  But as you can see,  Becky is giving Cutie lots of love & exercise.  Fortunate for both,  that all is well on the home front.  Good luck studying " Fine Arts" ,  Claire.   Maybe you will be home for Christmas,  ?  

Greetings from Ojai, CA ........ Happy "Labor Day" weekend !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .............................................................................:)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oh now, wait, "dinner isn't ready yet " (Fundraiser for Mary Carlson)  that's me (Kat) Transportation (Golf Cart)

I really enjoy walking......true enough

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A golf cart can be/ will be a help this hot summer and again in the ensuing months.  We here in California expect "RAIN",  don't we before many more months.  It can rain and rain, and everything will be "green" again.  Beautiful Lake Casistas,  (here in Ojai, CA)  can fill up again.  It's 60 ft. lower than it has ever been.

So, with that said _ Rain is 'a comin' and I want to go "grocery shopping"  when the pantry dictates that I do so.  All of you ( family , friends & followers ) have time to help me raise some $
for my Golf Cart to ride into town (10 miles) and pick up what I need/want at the store.

More pictures of the terrain here in our little "burg"  ...

Both of these pictures are Rice Road,  each & every morning I walk


down this road,  _ this morning two coyotes dashed across the Road,   no more than 8 ft in front of me  !  I "stopped" short, and continued to walk.  Last week,  I saw two deer,  frolicking across the very same vicinity.   Most days,  cute little white-tailed rabbits dash around ( not to forget the squirrels)  ......  f-u-n-n-y  &  f-u-n !    I get a kick out of the wild life "gracing" our roads and meadows.

This particular day there was a storm threat

Friendly folks are often passing by and it's a treat for me to make their acquaintances.

before I leave you with this "happy" person's picture,......
I ask you again,  donate to the cause,  please !  Mary's golf cart
for trips to and from Ojai, CA. "Transportation ( Golf Cart) ( Fundraiser).....I appreciate it !
Thank you !   ( oh yes,  I forgot to mention that I am 75 yrs. of age,  here in this picture.

"IT'S A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING "...........  The Moon Is Shining Bright  ....  la la la la la la ..............:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


From the " first time " I saw this image,  I became so enamored with it,  nice picture,  don't you think ? 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

So "HEARTLAND" is my choice this morning for a title,  ( I always call them "working titles", because I never know where I am going to go with any of them).  Sure does make my "work" interesting,  well,  at least it does for me.

When I woke up,  something didn't click in my mind or state-of-being.  I needed "freshness",  I
journey "so many"  places during the day ... ( in my head, & in my LIFE).  It is SOOO rich in nature,  and I am challenged by many different kind of relationships.  This morning,  when I saw I was not my usual self,  a bit weary,  I sought the quiet vigilance once again , reaching for , well, honestly, I really didn't know what I "WAS " searching for,  that complete "honesty", although risky as it was,   took me to a  FABULOUS  place,  in my  HEART & MIND.  I turned on a music station that I rarely listen to,  it was ROGER WILLIAMS music.  There I "traveled" and soared in my experiential,  feeling level There was "great" conversation & insight,  and I faced myself and what my challenges are this day.  Incredibly,  I began to "see" and "desire" my very own current place & experience here & now.   As my thoughts & mind & heart, "journeyed",   I honed in on this title "HEARTLAND".  OJAI is my "HEARTLAND".

One of the pieces of music  I heard on Roger Williams station was the score from "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA", I said,   it was sort of "other-worldly"  for me,  genres that were quite different.   and then I had had enough, and decided to settle into this awesome country "LIFE ",   with temperatures soaring to 90's and 100's.  That situation,  in itself,  can be and is challenging.  So back to "lovely,  lovely" & "beautiful"  OJAI, CA. , and another day of unfolding mysteries & joyous "heart-felt" relationships ( all walks of life-type, relationships) 

Our worlds vary,  but we all need "LOVE" , "ACCEPTANCE" & "UNDERSTANDING"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:)

You will no doubt find a new & different type of blog , me KAT,  on WordPress once again.  I began something there yesterday called  IS SHE OR IS SHE NOT ?    It will be directed toward around-the-house type of goodies, & may shed light on "how-to's" !  ..........................................:)