Showing posts with label When you " KNOW PEACE ". Show all posts
Showing posts with label When you " KNOW PEACE ". Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Rain .....spreading a little  "JOY"

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _  author/publisher

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Here in southern California,  "LIFE"  everywhere is rejoicing in the fact that raindrops are falling from above.  This gorgeous rose exemplifies 
what excellence in proper nourishment can produce.  She's a beauty alright !

I guess we all take for granted the "normal"  things that always seem to just -be- there and available  ..... until's no longer there.    Some things we have no control over !  Well,  that's an understatement,  really. 

As I sit and type this a.m.,   I  am "listening to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain",  it's a "sound"
I can get used to.  Anyway for a while around these parts it would relieve stress on our minds.
Sometimes though,  it can over produce and become reckless.  So some of us in this valley are hearing reports of very heavy bouts of rain that may or may not cause "flooding".  We here in the lower parts of the valley ( river bottom) remember the last downpour of that "nature" (dimension) and gear up in whatever way we can for readiness.

The road where I "usually" walk " & " where these stables are located can become a "river".

This is my beaten path each morning around 7:00 a.m. ( The end of Rice Rd., & corner of Meyer St. )

It's a bit scary and there's lots of talk.  At the yard sale I conducted Saturday 9/12/15,  along with the "great" camaraderie,  ( oh,  that was a "pip".........:),  an awesome reason for my Yard Sales to begin with _ I discovered the topic of possible "flooding" on more than a few hearts and minds.  Especially, concern for our animal friends.  My neighbors next to me are the proud owners of alpacas and emus.
Emu ( I think his emu is Peppy,  the other one is Pepper )

It's gotta be tough for their providers.  Everyday  they bring "love & devotion " to them to see that they have what they require.  I am keeping them in my heart & mind at this juncture.  That's " Life",   we cherish the very good times,  right ?

So,  the awesome sound of sweet rain descending on my patio at this moment brings "Life" and soothing.  "I'll take advantage of what is ",  join me folks.   Even as we do think of these overlooked things,  our minds can take in a lot more that is "ours" for the "precious" MOMENT !  Seize the opportunity !! 

Make it an "awesome" day !!!  Even moment by moment !  It's a "trip" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................................:)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

AFTER said & done

THIS morning,  I AM back in Glendale, CA,  ( not physically),   I'll tell you why !  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson 

While this extraordinarily "beautiful" country is something for my eyes to behold,  lately, something has been bugging me.   Finally,  I let myself go back ( in my mind & heart) to Glendale, CA....( you know, the big city).  Going back brought lots of tears to my eyes as my "heart" began to miss the place where I really "began",  where my "Precious" relationship with GOD,  my creator and my master builder & Savior,  delivered me unto  the ABUNDANT LIFE !!  Well now,  I realize although Glendale is where I began "my real LIFE",  and certainly I miss those surroundings.

This "breathtaking countryside" lost it's luster the last few days for me .  I wasn't "happy"  at this discovery,   so I looked inside for the mystery to unfold.   Bottom line,  "Happiness IS,"  and it "IS", wherever I am at "HOME" in my "HEART".   So,  having reconciled with my own "Spirit",  stripping away the "romantic" surroundings,   once again,  I found "ME" & my "heart" at one with GOD.   It's early this morning,  but no doubt I "will "find this magical place,   Ojai, CA having oodles  of  "charm & beauty"   when I place my foot "outside the door" into the  "LIFE"  known here by a host of other satisfied  OJAI"ans".  

Just a taste of reality for this "happy camper" and keeping it on the up & up !  Ya know what,
there is a "beverage" store here in Ojai called "ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT" .....fuuunnneeee!

Avocado trees here ( my place) around 14 of them.  They will be ready for picking around November, December this year.
I gotta tell ya folks, they are "GOOD" tastin' avocados  !!!  My house is below those two tall trees on the right side of this picture.
This view is looking upwards underneath a gorgeous oak tree.  The oak trees are plentiful and awesomely "wrangling" "beauties" !

Enjoy the "rest-of-the-day" wherever you are.......   "LIFE IS" .... awesome !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015 ) check them out _ http://,  ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS) more to see......!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Recognize that song title....60's music,  it DEFINITELY has " definitive/life changing,"  meaning for this "GIRL"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Having not been " on my game "  this morning,  I stopped  "looked inside" and said,  " Good  morning,  Jesus _  " Mary,  I love you",   was the reply,   & this song from a wonderful time in my past,  "  You are my Special Angel ",   came to my heart & mind.    Naturally I cried,  tears of  " JOY".  The night I heard this song,  started my journey that has led me to this " happy" state of being.  Music has always been a medium for my relationship with the  "author & finisher"  of my "FAITH". !!    Every "step of the way",  songs after songs  speak directly to my "heart",  & I become
 stronger & stronger opening up to "Life" _  ( Abundant Life )!

Much of my "journey"  has been "rough" ,  although I was _"SHORED UP"_  with the _"POWER" of "LOVE", _ to give me the "Faith " to meet each challenge.   In the "not-so-distant"  future I suspect/predict a "BOOK", that will share this  "magnificent story"  of  " over coming "
triumphing over the POWERS  of "DEATH" !    It is a "new day" for me in this "world" and each & everyday,  is something to "behold" ,  "cherish"  &  "CELEBRATE"......"FINALITY OF WORKS" !

Back to the drawing board "so-to-speak" & meeting the challenges of "unspeakable heat",  our first "HOT DAY" in ,  Ojai,  yesterday,   was 97 degrees,  and still no "air-conditioner".    Yep,  a challenge,  "pure & simple" !    Today I will be getting a break,  with only 83 degrees "tops" !   I'll start my walk earlier as I did yesterday and then prepare for a trip to the bank & market.   Life goes on and "I-for-one" am looking forward to it with  "delight"  & " music,"  of course!!    I would say "keep on the sunny side,"  but that sounds too much like yesterday !  Whew !

Ah,  yes,  this should help !!,  huh? 

Somehow this, too,  is one of my favorites !!!   As seen by passers-by,   and  "me"  of course,  it's "my"  hill !.....:)

Have a " wonder-full " day,   "friends".................

(_A Wink & a Smile-)............................................................................................:),,, Word, archives 10/214 to 1/ 2015,, ( I Support Life & Living Words)  ( One Step Closer ) 

Friday, May 29, 2015


Ojai Valley,  an unusual "Metropolis",  well,  one can hardly call "us" a "Metropolis", 
there really is "excitement" in the versatile,  creative,  souls who have chosen to make this their "home" !

The topic today is " Adventure" .....................................

by: Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Adventure ?  hmmmmmmm _ "adventuresome",    I guess that  "IS"  the "new me"  now!   Moments ago,  I pondered this recent observance,   spoken by a special person in my "Life",  my wonder-full brother !  Well,  one of my "four" wonderful  brothers.......:) '

Thinking on this word,   "adventuresome",   I became so "aware",  that ONLY when you have created
"stillness & "quietness" of "SPIRIT" inside your own "HEART", know,  that  "PEACE" inside,  can "adventure" "happen" !   Also,  "satisfaction" needs to be resident inside,  freedom-to-BE  gives me "LIFE" that can be "truly experienced" !! 

True "Life" begins in our "hearts",  huh ?  Yes, "there" in our "hearts",... is the apex of all of "our" experiences !    When all of my knowledge is bridged (coupled) with what's in my  "HEART'S",
condition,  I  "GO"  out/ or "IN"  and can then  "LIVE"   life to it's fullest !!   "REACH for the STARS" !!!  Beginning,   of course,   with your own   "HEART" !!   Trust  "LOVE" to create this awesome experience !

It's your "birthright",  ....yes ?

Maybe there is a "dream" inside you !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

Sunday, May 24, 2015


YOU TUBE hook up:  lastingtributevideo

EVERYWHERE in our LIFE'S Experiences, PEACE is SOUGHT OUT !! 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

This "Memorial Day"  weekend is set aside by "many, many" people as a HOLIDAY and often a chance to "get away from it all" !  

First and foremost, getting away from it all,  is WHERE everyone should "LIVE" ! ... On a "get-to-know-you "  basis.......everyday !!

FROM the  " CORE of your BEING ",......may you get to "know" intimately,   that "PEACE",  that simply ....." passes all understanding" !!!!

Be well,.... "BE" 

 (_A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................:),,  (wordpress)
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