Monday, September 14, 2015

Start the morning off "right"

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

"Maybe  I'm right and maybe I'm wrong,  and maybe I'm weak and maybe I'm strong,   but
"NEVERTHELESS"   I'm in LOVE  with you  !!

Ah,  romance,  can't live with it and can't live without it.   I gotta say,  I'm all for it!   The most significant and important thing I have discovered currently,   is,   it is possible to be in
"LOVE"  with ourselves.   Only strong,  vital,  "head together" type of personalities,  can pull this off.    When our hearts are rooted in real  "honest LOVE",  can you or I be in a position to become  one who,  absolutely,  deeply ,  considers him or her self,   capable of receiving that "emancipation".   What a "glorious" experience !!!  ......:)

It is my opinion that if and when "marriage" does take place ,  one's own "emancipation",  will keep this kind of " marriage",  going  "STRONG".   As is always the case,  when you don't really 
need something,  it's then you can truly have it,  and appreciate it's value.   But until or even if "marriage" does not come about,  one is "happy"  within and ,  in LOVE with LIFE !

Ah,  "real "LIFE".  well,  when you find it,  bravo for you !!   A "superb"  "extraordinary " relationship !   It transcends all matter,   and makes you "free-to-be". 

Well,  I'm on a roll here,  but  "hey",  why not !   It is "terrific" news,  isn't it?  " Being  in love with Life itself?"  

                                                          Just flat out ,  "BEING" ?

GO    FOR   IT    !!!!!


 (_A Wink & a Smile_) ..........................................................................................................:)

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