Wednesday, September 2, 2015


*Ojai Valley,  is a place where you CAN experience this phenomenon, however,  you are going to "hear" other sounds,  
the sounds of nature.  Spectacular,   soothing,   healing "beyond belief" and "spell bounding".
I'm a "sucker" for "richness".   And guess what,  it's "free" !  9/2/2015 update

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Real silence doesn't exist,  I know,  but we can come close as we quiet our thoughts.  That's NOT easy,  at least, not for me.  However, I am able to do this from time to time.  In fact often,  I turn off everything, laptop, phone. music ( no TV here), and become ( what I call)  "SILENT" !  Immediately,  ( not always), i "hear" the "sound of silence",  and I am pleased with it. 

I have a little stuffed toy ( doggie),  named "RIP".   From time to time, I carry on a conversation with this adorable little fella,  (don't laugh...:)),  it's true.  I remember the time I "heard" these words coming from his direction,  and what I heard WAS " SILENCE IS GOLDEN".   Hearing that caused me to respond this way,  " then, I'll never be rich,  because I like to talk" !  Well, not too long after I heard those WORDS, I grew into a place that allows me to quiet my thoughts and yes, indeed,  it IS a place I have come to "appreciate and love".  People, it's "MAGIC" !!  I kid you not.  "SILENCE IS GOLDEN"'s absolutely "TRUE" !

Getting there doesn't always work for me,  (just wanted to let you know),  but it IS one-of-those-thingsI "definitely" cherish, & keep doing.  The results are "unbelievable" !!  I'd LOVE for you to get accustomed to this kind of experience.  You may already go there.  "FANTASTIC"  This I know for sure,  "you'll NEVER be sorry",  NEVER !!  A word of caution,  remember sometimes for whatever reason, it doesn't happen,  but it WILL.  Keep trying, and the trick is often, "trying to quiet yourself", is the problem,  letting go "HELPS" !!!!

I am leaving you this morning with a picture I love and one so often seen in these parts !!

Ah yes,  right about now,  I can "HEAR" a rooster crowing,  a familiar sound to those of us who have the privilege of living in this VALLEY !  That's the beginning of other "rich" sounds of awakening.  Morning has broken.  When I can,  I go out for my walk early.  The pigeons, crows,
and turkeys,  oh yes, those turkeys just love to speak "turkey-speak"........:)  The goats like to Ba-a-a!

May your day be,  everything you want it to be...............( and maybe even "QUIET" & "RICH" !!)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:),, ( WordPress 2014-2015)  ( I Support Life & Living Words ) 

Coming soon _  * 9/2/2015

1 comment:

  1. If there ever was a practice that completely changes your world for the better, this definitely is it ! It's "priceless" ! We become "other dimensional ", our character takes on "life" and "traction" (?). If you ever get bored with- it -all, believe me, those days are over.
    Latch on to something "good", & "substantial" for yourself. Intrigue !! Vital !
