Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It will be "wonderful" to sit here again during the day.   It's w-a-a-a-a-y too hot in the recent today,  104 degrees F. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

 i  just have "the" luckiest breaks,   like , for instance,   this morning after doing a smidgen of grocery shopping at Von's ( Y in Ojai,  CA ),  I looked desperately for a "cool" spot to sit while I waited for a ride with Gold Coast Access,  (transit).  

I sat next to an interesting distinguished looking "young" man.  I had purchased a  freshly baked yummy bagel  for a light snack.  Reaching into the bag,  the "gentleman" and I exchanged pleasantries.   Our talk took us to eatery's around town where the "silver headed" folks gather ,  exchange how-do-you-do's, and  then,  oh yes,  we go there.  We often engage in conversation about,  Health,  then family,  world news ( NOT), and successes,  ( a lot is said about our children's whereabouts too.   If all takes off well,  we open up about where we "hail" from.

I find this type of "LIFE" thrilling.  Our planet is a fabulous place,  and everyone has a "great "
story to tell.   So, on and on our minds clicked and now I know about his successful daughter Susan,  and I know he is from Illinois (originally) AND  I know his name is "ROCKEFELLER".
Introducing my new acquaintance .....

Mr.  Rockefeller standing in front of "Von's" ( * note a great smile ) 
There IS a Mrs. Rockefeller.  Too bad I didn't get to meet her.  She sounds like a busy ,  lovely woman  helping others.   A friendly shopper saw me taking a picture and offered to take a picture 
of both of us. .......

Nice looking couple  ( if only he wasn't married ).........:) 

After this chat,  Mr. Rockefeller was off to a former engagement, .... while I waited for my ride.
Below is another shot of this beautiful shopping center. " Von's Market at the famous " Y " at
Maricopa and Ojai Avenue ....
As per usual, a" day with surprises",  in Ojai Valley ! 

Fortunately for me,  my next-door neighbor happened by before long and it wasn't necessary for me to wait longer.  I was certainly hoping to beat-the- "HEAT" !  It turns out I just barely did.
When I reached mi "Casa de Kat",  and went inside to check the temp "outside"  ( dual thermometer)  it was 99 degrees at 10:00 a.m. 

The leaves from the tree where I sit in the beginning shot is singing this tune " The Falling Leaves".... ,  like you wouldn't believe !  Nothing to do but WAIT,  & watch.  In fact I did sit out and got really into the whole "falling leaf"  syndrome.   I found just "tuning into" the whole operation , incredible,  and was fascinated by it all.   LIFE is awesomely mysterious and wonderous...( children do this & now I do too).   The patterns and routines,  the sights and sounds,  meeting new & wonderful people,   all make me "grateful" ..."I AM ALIVE"._ " Fairy tales can come true,  it can happen to you,.....IF YOU'RE YOUNG AT HEART"_ sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.

 " I'll be seeing you "............ 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................................:) 

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