Monday, September 21, 2015

ANY WHICH WAY ? Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation) Mary Carlson

Not too shabby,  huh ?

by:Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Sweet or sour ?    Hard or soft ?   Build or tear down ?   Laugh or cry ?    To be or not to be ?
Up or down ?    Stupid or smart ?     Love or hate ?     Over or under ?    Tender or harsh?   Increase or decrease ?    Serious or funny?     Righteous or self-righteous ?    Sad or happy?  
Stuck or unstuck ?    Tense or relaxed ?     Rest or unrest ?    Or nothing-at-all ? 

This list could probably go on and on and on and on..........................................:)  Or not !

Yeah,  just making a point.  One have just learned recently.  And really only recently learning to incorporate.  It "might / might not" be one you already know and practice.   If you do,  I say to you, "bravo".   Takes the edge off quite readily,  doesn't it?   I've been watching "funny" videos lately,  and enjoying them.   It reminds me of the "good old days" with programs like "Laugh-In",  "Candid Camera ",  "The Jeffersons",  " The Honeymooners",   and so many more.

So,  this  "gal"  is enjoying  "mixing-it-up".   

Yesterday I spent almost an entire day  ( inside while weather was 104 degrees outside),  watching both romantic,  and "way serious" movies  ( i.e,  "Gone Baby Gone" ) .   Enjoyed it.  So,  my "RX" for this particular  " Kat" is  _hey,   whatever works !   

Smile or frown,   lose or find,    tidy or messy,   broke or rich,   lonely or ?,   dumb or smart,
retreat or approach,  inside or outside,   full or empty,   crazy or sane,  ( an oxymoron anyway),
open or shut,   exceed or come up short, .........................

Anyway,  you get the idea,  right ?

A little chuckle at "nature" .............:) an "Emu" ( not an ostrich)
I know,  he's really quite adorable !  Sometimes when I pass by,  ( regularly),  he's so still it looks like he's a statue.

Here is Mr.  "LINCOLN"  as in "Lincoln log"

A "chill pill" is what is recommended by  Dr. Kat Carlson this September morning,  and of course,   it's up to you,   to have whatever kind of day you want !!   Or not !

"Over & out "

( _ A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................................:)

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