Tuesday, September 15, 2015




by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _ author/publisher

I'll bet I get lots of readers based on this topic ? ................:)   But,  just as quickly,  they are likely to buff-aw it and move on.  No matter !  The news I have discovered first-hand will not be readily received.  

Are you listening to your body ?  Is it telling you "what-to-do" ?  It probably is !  In fact it has to tell someone.  Do you know why?   BECAUSE,  it doesn't know EITHER.   And when you hurt, obviously,   you & I seek "HELP"!    And then of course,   you are compelled to seek someone ( ?????) who does know,  right ?   If you are "extremely lucky",   you'll find that "someone" after what (?),  numerous tries and " humungus  tests, & lab work,  x-rays,  MRI's , and so on and so on.  Prescriptions will be issued,  "try this" for a month,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc.   By now,  you should be well !  What,  don't tell me you're not !!

If you are not tired of this,  then that will basically continue for your entire LIFE.  Probably will anyway, because you have not found out,  that "YOU" are "NOT" your body.   If our own bodies did have authority,  then in all these jillions of years,  we wouldn't be sick.  The very first complaint would be accurate ,  wouldn't it?   If not the first then the next and so on.  The system we have now does not work !

Obesity for instance,  would not be prevalent and is even on the rise until,  it can't even stop itself.
During the recent months,  years,  I have had the good insight to blow their cover into these demands placed on me,  and hear them "speak" out loud in a horribly demanding voice.  Hearing yourself,  can FREE you !   I realize most folks DON'T hear the command ( yes,  it's a command -unheard message) and we can't decipher the code.  With obesity and all other ills,  there is a code ( like a micro -chip),  & it "will be obeyed" !!  "It's not your fault " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not touting a new method,  religion or anything of that nature.   It's has become my awareness and my own determination to take charge of my own needs.   I " CHOSE " to do that ! You can "toss" around this information,   I am just passing it on ! 

 It may just behoove you to "give this some thought" !  ? ? 

The "malady" I surrendered wasn't obesity !  

Nevertheless,  it gives it's messages through our very own flesh.   Do whatever you have to do,
to get to know "YOU" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:) 

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