Friday, September 4, 2015

HE IS A "MAN " _ # 2



by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _  author/publisher

I' so proud to write this blog/post this morning.  Maybe it is personal,  but the story is absolutely worth telling.  My oldest son,  is 52 years old.   From the beginning,  at 2 1/2 years old,  this
fabulous "creature" displayed courage.  Courage because he was not afraid of authority.   At this tender age,   I asked him for a favor,   seemingly small one to me and it definitely was a small one. I was changing his younger brother's diaper,  and didn't have a clean one to put on him,  so,  I said,  would you please go get me a clean diaper on the kitchen table.   He said  "NO".   Re soundly,  and absolutely "NO".    I lost it !    I went "bonkers !  ( Now, mind you I found that I had issues at that moment.)  This story is phenomenal,  because,  it has taken both of us,  50 years to find a wonderful  "Love"  for each other.

The timing could not be more "perfect".  We have both been lost ,  but "looking" at ourselves
for ourselves .  Of course we have charted our own course,  but have now,   found our own " individual strength".  

Once I kicked him out of the house,  he had nothing except the clothes on his back.  He had gone off to college out of high school,  a bright young man,  ( physics major).  Down in San Diego,
at school,  he got caught up in culinary ideas as to what "heals" us.   So,  he converted to vegetarianism.  That became his direction.   But school ( college) got totally lost as a " priority   and actually,  it  ( vegetarianism) WAS a primary concern because " HE" really needed "healing" inside,  desperately.    Our confrontation when he flatly refused to help me at the age of 2 1/2 was "ugly".

My son spent " years" on the streets,  found ways to take care of himself,  and came back to me after  many,  many years to help take care of me.  Then I had "trials"  issues too.  I fell,  broke my hip and was off to stay and recover in a "Nursing home & later Assisted Living Facilities"   But LIFE was "still" very,  very "painful for "both" us.  We did have the good sense to realize that it was an individual walk,  this LIFE.

Long story short,  NOW,   HE  &  I,   are at  fabulous,  glorious  "PEACE"  with ourselves and naturally & thankfully  with each other.   Right before,  he left for college ,  this time ( at 52 yrs.),
we played "Scrabble"  every night for a week.   He came home for a very short visit,  two nights ago,  & yes, we did play  "Scrabble" once again.   Here's where I  "proclaim" that "HE" is a MAN.  Before he left the next morning,  he put his arms around me and loved me "gently "and "warmly".   His "heart" is so tender and sweet.   He "loves" all Life.   He brought me a cute little frog a few weeks ago,  barely an inch in diameter.   It was cupped in his sweet hands and he said,  _  " Mom where can I put him,  so he can be in moisture" ? _ ( The weather was monstrously hot).     How I "loved" being a part of that "BEAUTIFUL" moment  !!!!

 I'm so "happy" that we have come to terms with our own "selves",  and can be whole together and apart.  It's "never" too late !!!!

Interesting note here,  is the title " it's quite prevalent in this world  " for "man"( hu-mans) to "feel the need to DOMINATE" (control) !   Not a surprise,  I'm sure.   Too bad that many feel so threatened,  that that is their only recourse.  The relationship between man & woman ( & our own selves) will and can be "healed"  with  "loving Hearts".   A real sense of our own individual "identities " .  First separately,  and then  "Together".   It's the "only" way, "RESPECT" and  "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" can come about.   

Some say LOVE,  it is a flower ........

Well,  it just  "IS",  ...... that's all !!   "IT'S  POWERFUL "

_( A Wink & a Smile_) .....................................................................................:)  

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