Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A HORSE , Of COURSE Relief Fund (Managing transportation for Mary Carlson) to donate

Introducing Christi & friend

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)   _ author/publisher

I will be dedicating this blog/post to horses  & more  ......... around these parts,  you see them coming and going.    Each morning,  I make a point to stop by the stables down at the corner on Meyer Rd.    I walk by several of my favorites,  although,  now they all have become special to me.   ( Along with horses,  there are also pigs,  turkeys,  goats,  donkeys this donkey here

Yesterday  I noticed this new comer to our stables,  ta da ,  smile,  you're on "Candid Camera" ( guess he can't smile cause that head gear prevents you from seeing him/it.  ( Keeps the flies out of their eyes) 

 Next you see me with some I like to say "good morning"  to,  check in on them,  kind of see how they are.   Always though when I go,  they are very much interested in eating their "HAY".  Crunch,  crunch,  crunch.   No monkey business,   no sir-ie,  eating time is for eating  and that's that !!  

See what I mean,  wish you could hear them,  just imagine it .........( Darth and Luke)

Today,  ( this picture )  I am greeting Darth ( Vadar),  all done with the eating thing 

then here ........  Darth's "stable mate" is .......

Luke Skywalker and me ........:) 

We have all become one big happy family.   Some horses come and go,  but usually  the longevity
remains.   For instance  Vicki and her "sweetheart",  Red. 

I like "love stories",  this is "A Love Story",  I call,  "The Dynamic Duo" 

featuring Vicki and her Red.   A "happy couple"  for 10 years and counting.  This story,  coming up will warm your heart.   Now,  on with my day,   folks,  the stable first  and then ,  yep,   up-the-hill  for a healthy invigorating walk,  meeting other  healthy minded people  along the way.
hearing nature's sounds "waking up" ........... a new day begins ........................

Can you hear a "LARK",  in any other  part of town,  does enchantment pour out of every door,  no it's just on the street where you live " .......(  I simply get carried away,  with songs)   "Good day" 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .........................................................................................:)

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