Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

With a Song in My Heart............I behold your adorable face,   that's right,  another song !  I never tire of the oldies but goodies.  This really is a lovely song,  I believe !

It IS a beautiful morning.  We here in California have experienced a little rain.  Enough to slightly water the vegetation around these parts.  Hopefully the ground will become prepared enough to withstand more.   But the smell of rain really is a treat. Then of course the air is fresher and sweeter.  Still we are hoping for much more rain.  That of course is our wish.  Our lakes are down more than they have ever been.  WATER,  our most VITAL of ALL commodities.
May you & I see & experience the replenishing of our wells & waterways!!  Let the RAINS begin,
let them "carry on" and nourish these parts.

A little sideline now,   gladly I had a chance to walk yesterday.  I happened upon these two lovelies  
Taking a "little" walk early in the morning,

AGAIN .......this shot
Enough of that,  time to go back in ...........................:)  
So o o o o o o o o o  CUTE,

Notice the wet pavement.  Actually,  I took my umbrella  !  I have been taking it with me and using it for "three" mornings now.

The first morning,  I went to our do-nut shop.  The "fellas",  (it's always fellas, how come? )
yeah,  there were lots of "guys" stopping by for a "cup of coffee" on their way to work.  I put my hand in my pocket to grab my camera, ooooooops,  no "camera",  darn it,  I  forgot to bring it.
So, ..... finishing my coffee and cake do nut with chocolate frosting,   .... the rain had stopped,  and  I decided to head back toward my "Casa de Kat"  ( 1 1/2 miles) down this hill

Once again,  down,  down  this path to "hibernate" ( notice the stables on the left) house

is lots further continuing about another 1/2 mile ahead.    I am " situated " in about the middle of this picture among-st the trees.

I made it back folks,  ready for a new day, 

How about you ?  ............... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:) 

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