Saturday, September 12, 2015


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

All in all,  our three family "yard sale" turned out well.  The turn out was as well as could be expected and probably a great mix of young and old.  Just a really "cool" representation of  Ojaians.  Some attendees were familiar,  and I made new acquaintances today. 

That's first and foremost and real benefit to me.  Since I am retired , and alone ( not complaining about "that"),   it's a "treat" to connect with many who share tall tales, and just very general interest about our community.  A particular subject today had to do with "floods",  since many of us live down here in the river bottom.  It hasn't rained in a very long time.  We are, however, getting news about this years projected weather.  And the main projection is lots of rain.

 I woke up early this morning,  4:30.  I brewed some coffee,  put on some music,  and just relaxed before getting into the task of pulling my sale together.  The tables were set up yesterday,  and practically all my "junk" ,  I took by loading up my wheelbarrow.  Having a wheelbarrow here
on the "ranch" is super important.  By 6:30 am,  I headed down to the gate area,  and put the finishing touches on what may become a tradition for me.

This friendly couple were the first lookers & buyers ..... 
At some point in my picture taking,  I accidentally,  clicked the "wrong" button,  so these next pictures turned out black & white

Included in this picture is Joel ( back),  my neighbor,  who owns the emus and alpacas I've shown before on this blog  

Also, in the middle of the picture is Karen,  my courageous landlord.  She owns and runs these two properties by herself.  That's the equivalent of 8 acres !  Five of those acres are mostly avocado groves.  You may have seen a picture of me with her swimming pool in the background.

I asked this young man to pose for me in front of my sign ( the shirt he is wearing is one he purchased from me) 

This is another attendee of Rice RD.'S THREE FAMILY yard sale 

Ojians came out in droves and everyone looked like they were "having fun". All that was left and not purchased is put away,  and the tables will be put back in their place tomorrow morning.  This is the end of successful day in the LIFE of Kat Carlson.  

I'm game for another one in October,   it's  "too" much fun !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:) 

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