Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's Labor Day weekend,  so I labor not !! ( ha )

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _  author/publisher

Days,  mornings,  even future days are often enhanced by the "morning constitutional",....a "WALK" in these parts of our "beautiful" community  of Ojai Valley,    first off,   when you lend a listening ear,  the sounds are spectacular,  roosters crowing,   birds singing,  even the trees make a sound,  the hills seem to give off there own special wonder, (which can be translated as a sound),   the woodpeckers hard very hard at work ( see pic), lots of them.    I even hear the trees singing,  well, .....I do !  Maybe that's just "happy" me.   Happy to  be out and about.  in the "crest" of the morning .  

Here in this picture I took this morning, is one different example of the auras I find to enjoy   

But the sights of sunrise on the mountains,  and the silhouettes of trees just before the sun peaks,
I am mesmerized and in awe of  the"teaming beauty" of  "LIFE" as  portrayed always in our Ojai gorgeous mornings.  All of LIFE is waking up,   ( well,  some are still snoozing, .... late night,  ya know?),  but when you have the chance and want to really experience something of JOY and WONDER,  this will knock- your- socks- off !  Do, please, stop,  look & listen !

Rice Road,  up higher above where I live in the river bottom,  I turn right and head back,  down the hill to delicious "casa de Kat"

I often pass this house on my walks,  I'm pretty sure these folks are still sleeping 

I guess most folks are still sleeping on Saturday morning  and  it's a "holiday"  today.   But the couple you see below are braving the "beautiful" morning and vistas 

These early risers are enjoying their walk and told me that by the time they return home it will have been 6 miles..... Y-a-a-a-y !!

More Ojaians plus our animal friend (pooch) taking a stroll.....:)

The roads/streets of this amorous valley  "beckons" me and others to open our "hearts" ( physical & spiritual)  and "minds" to all that "IS" available in the course of real "Life" .

Look at ALL those holes,  these five woodpeckers are busy bees,  ( another sound of "LIFE" )  

 I'd like to invite you to our neck-of-the-woods ,   for a  "joyful"  morning stroll.

"Happy Holiday".....

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................................:),,,  ( Word )  10/14- 1/15 Archives,  http:// ( Living Words & I Support Life)  Google+

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