Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Say "Good Morning" to my friend,  Luke Skywalker .....  

by: Kat ( Mary )  Carlson    _  author/publisher

Hey there,  you with the stars in your eyes .......................................Can this be ?   Ah,  yes,  I think it just might be exactly that ......... " real" !   But,  but,  my flesh (old nature) is saying ,  it can't be!  I'm not supposed to feel this good.   It was the coffee,  oh no,  it was that,  and so on and so on.  And I tell myself,  "just go with it",   you can't figure out everything in Life.  Enjoy the moment,  & "FEEL GOOD" !   "FANTASTIC"   and I am doing exactly that !   ....................:)

I opened my computer and all of a sudden new operations,  new vistas, new LIFE appeared to my brain and eyes.  I had new choices to make.  The kid in me gets excited !  

And at this moment,  I am hoping the same thing happens to you.   Eyes opening,  heart opening at the same time,  I love it.   What do you have planned for today ?   Are you going to work ?  Who will you see at work ?   What will you wear ?   Do you stop at Starbucks for coffee or maybe the donut shop.  I want to know !  Do you have children,  how many ?   Are they grown,  or little tykes?  Are you going to buy groceries today?  What's for dinner?  I want to know everything !

This is from a little girl inside me that has literally been locked up for upteen years !  You can imagine what an adjustment this is,  but,  glory be,  bring it on !  New Life,   bursting forth from under the masks and superficiality of existence as "ghosts- from- the- past" have covered and kept hidden .......when you block the "bad things",   the good things also get hidden as well !
Then we become robbed!

So,  as this new day moves in "me"  I carry on.   I open up for more of the glorious same ! 
Adventure,  surprises,  all kinds,  of all variety.   That meaning disappointments as well as
times of  "joy".    But it definitely won't be business-as-usual ! 

My last blog ( yesterday)  was all about getting to know myself,  " COOL ",  " I AM" !!

If you do go to the "do-nut" shop,  buy me a "buttermilk"  do-nut ? ?  ( this time)

Thanks !!  ( for the do-nut ) !  

 Just for fun,  I changed the desktop background  scene ..... I love the new one !  See ya !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...................................................................................................:) 

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