Tuesday, August 4, 2015


In just a minute,  I will be presenting a different variety ( of animals) .... 

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

"Not"  _  this little cutie,  ... faithful, .....adorable, ......witty,.....playful, 

ta da ! .........my "LILY"   

as in lilymakesmesmile,  LILY.  I do hope you have had a chance to meet her over on my blogs on Word Press.com  _http://lilymakesmesmile.com .  I really love her and miss her sweet face.   Read up on my blogs of August - January 2014 - 2015.   Isn't she sweet ? 

Yesterday, August 3, 2015,   I went for yet "ANOTHER" walk,   (sigh),  yep,  I sure did.  This time on my walk,

(  a quick look at the moon,  you can barely see it at 7:30 am) 

 These morning travelers sat patiently while I captured their "essence"

and of course,  here is "chipper" Fred and his master, George
 a "great" pair.  I enjoyed making their acquaintance. 

Mornings with the sun appearing,  while the moon is waning is a delightful combination.   I am "thankful"  I get to "meet & greet",   both the people and their dogs & the "waking up of morn".

Greet the mornings where you live .... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................. :)

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