Showing posts with label A body in motion tends to stay in motion!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A body in motion tends to stay in motion!. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015


Ah,  autumn,  "the falling leaves".....sigh ! 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Remember this  ? ...............

When, oh when,  will it end ?

Being in top shape is a prerequisite for living in these parts.  I gotta say,  it is part of the charm
of country living.  Nature spills lots of "attitude" ,  and when you want,  there's so "much" to do.
Moments ago,  while I was outside sitting first,  them raking some,  I could certainly feel "fall"in
the air,  coming up the "festivities",  like "Halloween" & "Thanksgiving".  I am not a celebrator
of all the "holidays",  but  still  the season feels "warm" and "festive".

One more picture of yours truly  "ta da",  working..........................:)

Didn't know it took this much concentration ......... 

before these activities,  I walked to the nearest watering center and filled a 5 gallon jar of water.
I walked up 1 1/2 miles to the center, and then walked halfway back.  A very special friend picked me up and brought me home. 

I took this picture when I was halfway up my infamous hill on Rice Rd., 

Turned around and took a shot behind me.  I had walked already this far up the hill. 

As you can see by these pictures I get a "great" work out. ..........

I haven't always stayed in shape.  This cardio workout came recently,  about two years ago.  I just keep on doing it !!!   How else would I get such wonderful pictures of so many awesome people around town ?
Vicki & Harry

Yours truly 

We all somehow "get-into-the act",  and pose for this "humble little blog"....."One Step Closer" 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................:) 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

In just a minute,  I will be presenting a different variety ( of animals) .... 

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

"Not"  _  this little cutie,  ... faithful, .....adorable, ......witty,.....playful, 

ta da ! "LILY"   

as in lilymakesmesmile,  LILY.  I do hope you have had a chance to meet her over on my blogs on Word  _ .  I really love her and miss her sweet face.   Read up on my blogs of August - January 2014 - 2015.   Isn't she sweet ? 

Yesterday, August 3, 2015,   I went for yet "ANOTHER" walk,   (sigh),  yep,  I sure did.  This time on my walk,

(  a quick look at the moon,  you can barely see it at 7:30 am) 

 These morning travelers sat patiently while I captured their "essence"

and of course,  here is "chipper" Fred and his master, George
 a "great" pair.  I enjoyed making their acquaintance. 

Mornings with the sun appearing,  while the moon is waning is a delightful combination.   I am "thankful"  I get to "meet & greet",   both the people and their dogs & the "waking up of morn".

Greet the mornings where you live .... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Days ago, I started another blog on WordPress "" dedicated to helping out a little with ERGONOMICS

by : yours truly,  Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Only a few blogs designed toward fixing a toilet that keeps on running,  and one little blog on 
"how to" soothe your heart _  the sound of my clock goes "tick -tock" ,  "tick-tock", "tick tock"
over and over again.  But that very night I WAS able to sleep with that little gadget.  What I am going to say in this blog is about many,  many, things that CAN be fixed,  made, created with little time and money and effortlessly.  I am a sort of " JACKIE" of all trades.............:)  Maybe even a
JACKELYN of all trades.  I use hammers, screwdrivers, tree trimmers, wrenches, ladders,  paint, paint brushes, wheel barrows,  power screwdrivers, drills, etc.  ERGONOMICS,  there are classes in Universities that teach this timely study.  Today's world is in dire need of short-cuts, and money saving tips,  along with the ability to keep up and "have  a life" too. 

Although I tackle a few odd jobs around the house,  I really........
can,.....look,  feel,  talk,  even "SING" like a "GIRL"...........of 75 yrs.

( I have always forgotten to mention,  I AM a Massage Therapist too!...although I am retired ! )

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................:) 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

THIS IS "THE" earlier view

A "BEFORE"  &  "AFTER"...ME in Glendale, the "big"city.....

Now,  a  "horse" of  a  different  color ! ........:)   The  call  of  the "wild" !...."EXCITING" !

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson__ author/publisher

The call of the "wild",......I guess that's what this is !   I finally get it!  I have been soooooo busy fixing up the place,  getting into town to buy ample "groceries" for to last several "days", ha ha,
going for walks, & taking pictures for folks around the U. S. and Alaska,  I forgot,  THIS IS MY NEW LIFE,  & I can sit back & enjoy every little thing about it!   Yesterday,  around 10:00 a.m.,  I finally got it together and decided to WALK up-the-hill again.  At first I DID huff & puff, but halfway up "I" got my momentum going and the climb became "easy" again.  That,  I was thankful for.   I took a day or two off,  to relax & regroup , & let my "Back"  get "Back" into shape !

This morning with my new-found position,  literally, I am in "control" and have a "great" day ahead of me.  But, yesterday's discoveries on my "great walk" first.  Here are some of them,

This is Dennis,  I met Dennis on my way back home,  after a chat with him,  I discovered he is on-the-mend from a FALL, breaking his femur in April.  We both had this bone broken and exchanged our experiences about advancing,, let's say & getting "honest" with "Life"did we DO that Dennis ? .....maybe a little, huh ?

This little "colt" walked away from her mama to meet me for picture taking !

These two " beauties" were next,  not easy to capture,  lots of movement when someone shows some interest !

In this "shot",  I headed back to Rice ( my road just ahead, and walked down Rice toward home,  where I met Dennis,  (ealier picture !

Once again,  back at the ranch....:),  I pick up where I left off,  continued to do laundry,  hang curtains,  etc.   "AND"   make arrangements for TOMORROW,   to go down to Ventura,   (20 miles away),  and   "SHOP" ..... 'til I, "drop".................:)  !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................:),,,,,( all WordPress) 2014- 2015,,, Google+