Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's a "GRAND" day for all you who are off work,  enjoying your Saturday

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

As in all days,  yesterday  I strolled down to the " STABLES",  expecting the usual visit with "Vicki" & her pal "Red".   It just didn't happen on Friday..... (Vicki's afternoon off).  Couldn't waste a good afternoon stroll or my trusty picture taking.  Don,  this man you see here drives around 28 miles (Oxnard, CA)  everyday to see and "care for" his horse named " Cheeky".

Vicki and Don have known each other for several months.

The two of them share the responsibilities.  Oh my folks,  that's a lot !   Horses require attention in order for them to stay well.  "Big lugs"........  affectionately said,    trust me !     I have come to "love" the awesome visits with RED,  DARTH,  LUKE,  FANCY,  BOOMER ,  CHEEKY and more,  many more horses,  down on the corner of Rice Rd. and Meyer Rd.

Deciding to head up-the-hill for my usual 2 mile walk this same day,  I happily encountered this adorable "threesome".  I asked if I could take their pictures.  

These two gals just happened to be  on my path to start my walk,  see picture below  

I want you to meet "CUTIE",  Claire's horse for 12 years.  These "two " devotee's  have to have long-distance phone calls,  or "romance"  

because Claire now attends a University in Massachusetts,   while her own "CUTIE" of twelve years,  has to stay behind here in a nice place in Ojai, CA.   Claire is studying Fine Arts.  The two seemed very "happy" to see each other and be together once again.  Thanks for letting us in on your sweet story,  "CLAIRE "  " CUTIE " !   I'll be more than happy to report more of the story next time you visit.

This very same day ( Friday 8/7/15),  my friend ( I named Darth Vadar) & I kissed,  but Don wasn't quick enough to get THAT shot !!!  

_  No more Friday pictures or short stories,  see ya next time at the corral,  perhaps ?

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................. :)  

"Sleepless in Seattle" .......  "You Must Remember this, a Kiss is still a Kiss , a Smile is still a Smile, the Fundamental Things Apply ,  As Time Goes BY " .......... Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Great Movie

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