Saturday, May 16, 2015


One thing's for sure....I DIDN'T do it !...............:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson : author/publisher

Have you ever asked anyone, let's say,  in our business world today,  especially,  and their response is,  I didn't do it.  Maybe,  though,  they "( he, she it)"  will direct you to another department,  agent,  representative, and then ...then I hear this worn out phrase,  I'll connect you with the person who can "help" you answer that question,  I,  NEVER  get my question answered more OFTEN, than not !  Or this "tired old response",  "call back in 30 minutes, someone should be here who can help you with that issue "!  It happens huh?  I think most of these kinds of experiences amount to passing-the-buck syndrome!!

When I was "not connected with or not in tune"  with my own source of POWER over this universe (world system),,  I ran into that !    SO  frustrating !   Unbelievable and annoying to no end.  I wanted to throw up my hands in despair !  And often did that too !

Time spent in good company "re-arranging" my Life,  growing up and believing my own "POWER"
 SOURCE has created an avenue for things to work out and "cut out ridiculous confrontations"  like that ! I will say this "growing up " process takes time and also "intimacy" with the ONE SOURCE who "KNOWS" me through and through !  I'm happy to say,  that because I know that I am known,
I CAN be "honest and forthright"!  Upfront ?  Yep, upfront!  If  (IF ?) there's anything I don't understand or do not know how to accomplish I have learned  (thankfully) how to ask, AND I DO get results as long as my "cards are on the table",  played with dispatch!! Even this has to be learned!  Asking the "right" question,  even if the right question is,  "give me the right question",
will and does get me what I need to know/think/feel!  I am sooooo thankful for my connection today !

It's a "TOUGH" world, today..."certainly an understatement" , but I do know now,  it's not a matter of "who dunnit" but  " WHO CAN I RELY ON"  COMPLETELY !!!!..........................:)


(_ A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)

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