Sunday, May 31, 2015


I Come to the Hills,.........

with the "Sound of Music"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Days ago,  I was engaged in my usual morning walk up Rice Rd.,  this particular morning,  as I walked,  the "trees" were so alive,  it made me think of Maria in "The Sound of Music",   Special times here in Ojai Valley,  and oh yes, "all over everywhere",   Life's own gift  of the "awareness of GOD " , fills your soul.   These times,  you can literally "reach-out-and-touch "  the "Spirit of Life"
I will call......" His Essence ",  the teaming vibrations of "wonder" & "splendor" !!

Oh I get so "spoiled",   at times when I am "blessed" with the "Presence of God" !  In my old days,
which I can barely remember,  I didn't KNOW this event happened "everyday" !  I DID experience
such "splendor" in Glendale as well.  I think though,  when I moved back to this "glorious" place,
and my usual morning walks, "the aura of  God"  is more "eminent"  & "powerful" !

When this "territory" was founded long ago by the Indians,  they called this place,  Ojai ,  meaning "Nest in the Mountains",   ( correct me if I'm wrong ) .  Later.  people began to hear about these "magic powers "of  "HEALING" and started moving here by the "droves".  They still do.  

The very day I came her to look at property in 1977,  I experienced "PEACE", so "tangible,  I felt as though I really could "cut-it-with-a- knife" !  There were times when I left here,  Ojai,  and sought "healing" elsewhere,  but here I am, "praising God" for the "work He has done" !   Not just here, because after all ,  GOD is "spirit" and "LIFE IS", it's not a matter of "geography".   Oh my yes,
GOD is "everywhere",   "HE"  is universal !  

It's SUNDAY,  isn't it,  well then,  "there you have it",  a day to honor ( better do it everyday, stay in touch ),  the "works His hands have made" ! ! 

Always a pleasure................
"LIVE".... &  "LET LIVE".....from  Ojai, CA

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:),,  ( Word Press- archives 2014-2015),,,  Google+

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