Thursday, May 21, 2015


Black & white this morning, introducing "WORDS", and "me" on my patio again !....:)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Before I begin this morning, bear with me ...another "gorgeous" shot of "breathtaking" OJAI, CA

This shot is "THE" very first picture I took standing immediately outside my front patio door on a cloudy day, no less !   "STUNNING"

Back to the subject THIS morning, which is my favorite...."words".  I KNOW for an ABSOLUTE fact,  that words have outrageous POWER.  What I intend to convey is the word "PEACE" for instance, I discovered is, when meditated upon becomes an "essence" able to transform yor LIFE !
Honestly,  it really does deliver you into a place of quietness & safety,..throughout everything you do and want to accomplish.  Furthermore, YOU enter a "new" life experience !  No longer do you just exist day by day, the "realm" you enter into sustains you and eliminates doubt as to "what is the meaning of life".  Having created this position for yourself, " a position of relevance and permanence",  the petty little things in LIFE no longer dominate your "being".

And also, other words have the same transforming affect,  these are "REST", not -take- off- your- shoes,-sit- in- front of the TV after a lng days work, adjust your recliner "type of rest", "NO",  a "REST"  within YOU,  something else that "will and does"  sustain you ,  giving you a reliable source for this "LIFE".   Changes will come,  they are changed you are going to welcome,  because LIFE'S worries just aren't relevant after you know  ( intimately ) "REST" and "PEACE" !!

"PEACE"  now is my best friend !   It is always there,  "in my heart",  and giving me constancy !  Reliability IS,  when you become "familiar" with this "essence".!   Yep, it's money in the bank, alright !  Gotta go there folks,  I am thankful for my  "avenues of reliability" !

Two "living words" for today,  there's more, next time !   Be assured that "Ojai & it's beauty" will also be represented here on my daily blog ! 

Time to sit back and enjoy my day ...( Thursday,  May 21, 2015 )

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)................................:),,,  http://chooseurwords. com ( Word Press 2014- 2015) Google + , http:// 4u2become

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