Friday, May 29, 2015


Ojai Valley,  an unusual "Metropolis",  well,  one can hardly call "us" a "Metropolis", 
there really is "excitement" in the versatile,  creative,  souls who have chosen to make this their "home" !

The topic today is " Adventure" .....................................

by: Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Adventure ?  hmmmmmmm _ "adventuresome",    I guess that  "IS"  the "new me"  now!   Moments ago,  I pondered this recent observance,   spoken by a special person in my "Life",  my wonder-full brother !  Well,  one of my "four" wonderful  brothers.......:) '

Thinking on this word,   "adventuresome",   I became so "aware",  that ONLY when you have created
"stillness & "quietness" of "SPIRIT" inside your own "HEART", know,  that  "PEACE" inside,  can "adventure" "happen" !   Also,  "satisfaction" needs to be resident inside,  freedom-to-BE  gives me "LIFE" that can be "truly experienced" !! 

True "Life" begins in our "hearts",  huh ?  Yes, "there" in our "hearts",... is the apex of all of "our" experiences !    When all of my knowledge is bridged (coupled) with what's in my  "HEART'S",
condition,  I  "GO"  out/ or "IN"  and can then  "LIVE"   life to it's fullest !!   "REACH for the STARS" !!!  Beginning,   of course,   with your own   "HEART" !!   Trust  "LOVE" to create this awesome experience !

It's your "birthright",  ....yes ?

Maybe there is a "dream" inside you !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

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