Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Yes,  this "IS" home, where I hang my hat !!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson : author & publisher *

Very early on this evening I let myself get up from a long nap,  (about three hours)  and get to work on fixing up my newly re-established HOME.  After a long break from it,  I needed to make a few repairs,  etc. 

But,  after putzing around, cleaning mirrors,  (closet doors), "whew",  (just kidding), grew a little weary and decided to rest for a spell.  So as I did rest,  I meditated and this thought and reality "hit" me.  I managed to find myself back in the game of  "LIFE "....solely managing it myself,  I 
was given the opportunity to clean up/repair my own dwelling place,  "MY HEART" !  That IS where I dwell, now & forever ( same thing) !   For some grueling years I dealt with a tyrant, head of the place where I lived for a while.  Also, I had to deal with the entire world's system there.   I became transformed in my "HEART OF HEARTS ",   "readied" myself for the "REAL" world. A mighty task, HUGE,  because in doing so,   I learned who the "real" tyrant was,  and how to meet head-to-head with ME.  I learned I needed "LOVE & HEALING"!  Can't have one without the other !  They really are a marriage,  made in HEAVEN.   It "IS " divine to grow and KNOW yourself.

So, having met and getting together with me,  my HEART grew and I found my "FOR REAL"  new home right there inside me. !   Once that is established,  it can "NEVER  EVER" be taken away from you! That is SECURITY  with a capital "S".!!

I am "HAPPY" to report that now I am ready for this world because I found "myself" and will always know me and can also "TRUST" me with my LIFE. 

The fact that I have a wonderful "roof "over my head to manage by me in these later years of my LIFE is a treat.  First things first, though and since I am prepared to dwell ANYWHERE,  I can and do have this opportunity to experience the BEST !   Now, I dwell safely, in my "HEART"  under management that "really cares" for me,  "ME" !..........................................:)

A " few" shots from my former home in Glendale, CA.  Below !...:)

Martha, my wonderful 98 yr old friend, the morning of her birthday, hat..loaned to her by me, Martha still bowls and plays every game...I Love her !
A gift to myself last year, & was cared for & placed on my pretty patio In Glendale, CA

A View of my bedroom in Glendale, CA

Note,  the sign above my bed says "Love makes a house a home".....and also,  "makes a "heart" your FIRST, & foremost  _  " most important "_   HOME !"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................:)

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