Tuesday, May 26, 2015


http://1topnotchKat.blogspot.com, https.www.blogger.om/

I'm pulling a "fast one" ,  folks, with a walk down "memory lane", this is Lilymy sweet, adorable, spunky "feline" friend from the days of Word Press & http://lilymakesmesmile.com& sister
sites as well....http://akneadedtouch4u.com, http://chooseurwords.com __

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The title,  " Ain't we got Fun",  naturally comes from the song,  " In the Morning, in the Evening,
Ain't we Got Fun",  . fun,..   I like having fun.......so does everyone !   I hope you had fun this weekend.   The stores were packed with people  "readying"  themselves for "FUN".  I walked downtown to Meiner's Oaks, and waited for our "TROLLEY" to take me downtown to Ojai, which was "LOADED" with tourists "HAVING FUN".  Ojai is a "TOURISTS" town after all!

Later, in future posts,  I will show some sites of our "fair" city/town to all you folks!   But now back to the countryside,  more views of "sites and animals and people"  down here where "we have our own variety of  FUN"  !!.........................:)

I am on Fairview Road,  here just above Rice Rd., taking a "selfie", only 10 seconds to get into position...:)

Headed back down Rice Rd., is this "view" of our river bottom   with "houses & horse corrals" !   I witness the "sites"& "sounds" of "turkeys", ( gobble, gobble), "roosters, "birds singing", 'goats" ( "baa-ing" ), " crows",  of course,  lots & lots of those !  The animal kingdom is very well represented in this community !  I see squirrels, rabbits, pigs, deer, emus, alpacas, "people"
YEP, "people" on & off,  their horses,  these two people are Jack & Marlene !

Back to "my neck of the woods", are the ever popular "Emus & Alpacas" ever changing views ( on video),  later with those,

This particular "fun" session is  a "wrap" for "today,    (May 26, 2015, _ 2:39 a.m..)


(_ A Wink & a Smile_ )............................................)


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