Monday, May 18, 2015


My camera....overworked ?  Well, guess what, I found out something that surprised "me"! 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

A few days ago,  I began to have "pain" in my lower back.  I, being certain I was Hercules, not really,  but I always felt the power and presence of "might", something akin to supernatural, well, this a.m. after a bout with horrendous pain, both yesterday and last night in my lower back,
I pleaded, yes I did, it was shameful, I rarely plead to be "helped", saying, "I don't understand, why?
Honestly,  I am in the throws of being healed completely,  now this?  What's going on ? Everyday I write and tell people HOW TO,  take care of themselves,  this cannot be happening, and yet here is and was this "pain".  I knew my walking would be different, ( I tried yesterday),  that has changed,
and I said, what about my articles/blogs, what will I write about?

I will try and give a quick overview about these last days unpacking, moving furniture,  yes I did lift a lot,  but then I've always had that kind of "extra" ability, I walked amazingly well,  long & even longer distances,  , "how can I be stopped like this?  How indeed,  I am almost 75 yrs of age going on 25yrs,  I felt !!  Boom!  Now,  I am having to take it easy,  one day, sometimes one hour at a time!  This kind of " pain",  I am not used to!  I have been walking, etc for years and building a body that has proven to be substantial, able!

But as I have written about and encouraged others to do,  I began,  (after lots of questions bewilderment)  I began stroking,  (moving my hands over my body) "loving it" saying" I love you" muscles,  "I love you bones," nurturing and feeling the love.  Then I found a need to apologize to my body for not being sensitive and going overboard !  Then came the "kicker",...  I heard,  after all, you are carrying _ "PRECIOUS CARGO".    The tears began to fall, and they kept coming !
And now as I write, again they fall!  "Precious cargo"   Wonderful !!

I am happy to report that I now am at least " aware of the "glaring" fact,  that I will need to cut back on the overt behavior for a while and then become more alert to what I am doing,  even though it's in the name of "healing" & "happiness" that I do them !   EVERYTHING,  "everything" in moderation!   Never mind the exhilaration, & excitement that I was experiencing,   just a bit of "slowing down" is what it will take for me in my newfound surroundings ! 

Tune in again the next few days, sitting down at my computer isn't that difficult and I know I can
share a bit more of the "happy" experiences I know and "love" in this beautiful lifetime.!

Black & white,  ?  Have to investigate,  gotta be an explanation!  

Still this move to Ojai is amazing !   I am "thrilled" to be here in the company of all that I see and experience first hand !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................:),, ( WordPress),
archives 10/2014 - 1/2015,  Google+

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