Friday, May 15, 2015


Yes indeed,  a kind of hush,  morning after our rainfall

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_author/publisher

At 6:30 a.m. this morning I went for my walk up-the-hill !  Everything was still,  however I then listened to the sounds of stillness and I heard "roosters crowing," ,  "crows cawing",  "turkey's gobbling", "birds singing in the trees", & I saw a fellow stable owner cleaning up his horse's stall.
No other passers-by,  way to early for that ! So no car fumes to speak of, but here in our God-given
country,  there are never many cars,  trucks or what have you.  There ARE bicycles, and just days ago, a man in his wheelchair came barreling down the steep hill, for his morning constitutional !,
He seemed to be in great shape.  Good for him !....:)

This picture coming up I took a few days ago, 
As I begin walking 1/4 mile toward the hill, there are horses in their prospective corrals

Out there bright and early,  are their owners feeding and what not!   So devoted are they !   I like their manner and dedication to their prized possessions.  Male & female alike !  Walking further down on Meyer Rd, ...two goats,  pigs & turkeys ( gobble-gobble, oh yes they do that constantly),
It a wake up call each morning that life is beginning "anew" that day !

I am happy for each "new event"  & "feature" of the days I spend here in God's country!  It's better than any movie or TV ( I don't even have one).

I will bring you the apex of "Life and Vitality" on the move !   Wait for me, there will be more in no time,  like maybe tomorrow ?...............:)

May your day be "terrific" ! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................:),,  htpp://,  ( archives, 10/15 -1/15 ), Google+,

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