Monday, May 11, 2015


Funding out "NEW" discoveries,  STILL !! I'm thinking/hoping it's endless !!....:)

Right here ,everyone,  100 yards away from my patio,   are these "exotic birds" and "animals".....Emus , ( birds...looking a little like ostriches),  and these three "Alpacas" !!! 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

Don't ya' know,  I'm a little blown away by all that is here right in "FRONT" of my eyes and what it means to discover these surprises !    I had "NO IDEA"  I would find all that I am finding in Ojai.  None of this was here before I left in 2012...( a short stint in Southern California happened for three years)...and another for 7 yrs,  I was not sure I would ever return.   I really liked it in Glendale, CA.   But,  as every little thing developed,  I was destined to come back and "realize" this  "DREAM COME TRUE"  !

As I no doubt mentioned it all started in 1989,  when I saw this place in a vision, wood paneling inside and all!  The very next phone call I made to my potential landlord,  Woody ( an awesome guy from Texas,  found me a promise of a "home",  This place was occupied,  "but", they would be moving out in 3 weeks.  Woody wanted a tenant who "WOULD STAY" & rent it for many years !

Hey,  that's EXACTLY what happened , huh?   My wonderful son, took over while I was away not even knowing himself if I would come back but lo' and behold,  "I AM BACK",  & making "astounding discoveries"  as though it was "PARADISE",  and it "IS" !    I call it my "OASIS", and I always have,  but NOW there is so much more,  part of that is due to the fact,  that "I AM"   now, "aware"  of this "spectacular beauty" from within !

On my usual walk yesterday,  I passed by the horses ( mmmm...deep breath...vitamins) , walked closer to these stalls and discovered two goats in their own stalls.   Later I looked up and saw three "horseback riders" perched and saddled on their "own" horses,   There are only "three" streets/roads "down here" in the  beautiful countryside where "I" live.  Much more beauty elsewhere in this awesome community.    Yep, it's all very exciting and I am spellbound !

More to share with you coming up....

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:) 

1 comment:

  1. This comment is addressed to "Blogger": At the end of my articles, there is a place FOR comments, however you have "no comments" written right there AND IT IS CONFUSING...understand? Please correct this !!! Say something like "COMMENTS WELCOME"........................:)
