Friday, May 22, 2015


Do you suppose the owner of this house (on Meyer Rd.) minds if I share this picture, hmmmm.........nah!   :)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's too early.....2:00 a.m. !  I always write my blogs around this time every night (morning),
however,  my laptop (internet) ALWAYS complains by NOT wanting to show up for work then.....:)
I end up waiting for what seems like a LONG time for it to WAKE UP and decide to function !  :)

 It's a "hurry-up-and-wait" WORLD,  huh folks, ?  Our tree-trimmer (lots of trees) promised to be here at 8:30 am, so we hurried up and arranged things for them to come then.  Didn't happen that way, SURPRISE !!!  Nah,  that's LIFE !  They did arrive in the afternoon, sooo things are gorgeous now here.  What a difference they made.  They WERE quick and efficient !  So it was definitely worth the wait!  Some things ARE worth waiting for,  they JUST ARE ! ....:)  The time we spend "waiting" can be spent in different ways,  but we do grow if we decide to.  Often we get some significant information,  meet someone new,  that kind of thing !!

Now,  I waited for- so- long, to find my resting place after leaving Leisure Vale Assisted Living in Glendale,  and  "LOOK " where it got me !!!

 Here back in this Paradise, I found myself enjoying a magnificent life 
This picture (even on a cloudy day) is what I am looking at from my patio in Ojai, CA  

So I SAY,  it "was" worth-the-wait !  That's for sure !  My thanks to everyone who was involved in the decision making of this exciting adventure of mine !  My son, my landlord, my friends everywhere,  to you, hat's off and know that I appreciate all the sacrifices that you made in order for this to happen !  Kudos and blessings to you !  From "beautiful", "gorgeous"  unpredictable, ( weather-wise)  Ojai, , this is "HOME" !!!

View from Rice Rd,. entering my property!  Trees everywhere !

Fellow passers -by,  on Rice Rd.  A similar daily experience !

You' all come back now, ya' hear !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:),,  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015) , Google+

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