Thursday, May 28, 2015

HELP "ME" I I *,

 Friday,  June 19, 2015 __ More & more I have come to realize,  discover,  Life with all it's diversities,  certain things we have in common is our need for health & compassion.  Searching for "truth" ,  I am finding,  both needs  are at the "top of the list".   In recent days,  I looked for compassion from GOD in a particular long standing matter,  so my answer came,  that I " have the capacity",  inside me to supply that which is needed,  FOR & TO  myself.   I put this to the test,  ... well,  what do you know,  I really do and can minister to my needs in this way at this time in my "LIFE".   When things bug me enough,  I get "candid/forthright" and have no qualms about calling a spade a spade.   The fact remains,   this POST is intended to "help",  in recognizing that by asking for something (we no doubt overlooked)  and can "clear up" this matter ourselves,  once & for all. __ " SOUND GOOD" ?

You have a "GLORIOUS" day,   friends.......  LIFE "IS" GOOD....  ( Remember the "music-in-you")
Author/publisher:  Kat Carlson _ June 19, 2015

Hail to all,  this morning & every morning, I'm out here ( camera in tow), walking again (still)
 Lots of time to "build/create" some good memories/experiences, 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Since I wrote last night ( May 27, 2015)" and"  published, ( at 10:30 p.m. ) ,  I have done "soul searching"  again.  I touched upon this subject in other articles some of them on Word Press - Archives 2014-2015,,  My title for this post is :  HELP "ME" !!

The reason is ,  I am certain there are members of this "great race" of ours who believe our CREATOR,  I mean really do believe,  no doubt,  that is clear.  But I have been constantly wondering why do "they/I do" without some things and the first and foremost "thing" I bring attention to is "our health".  It has been a "gift" of GOD that "healing" is OURS.  But,  what happens when that does not come to pass ?  Even after years of waiting ?  "This I believe",   folks,  it really is up-to-us at a point in our development to search our "hearts" for the "truth" as to why?  Our creator is a "giver" and will not deny us "anything"....not "anything" !!!   After all ...."IT IS FINISHED"  came to us after  our-relationship-with-GOD " was "sealed".  .

A phrase that I have learned to use in getting-to-the-bottom of why,  is....(when of course I have prayed and done everything, " ( oh, & I mean "everything" ),  I come to "this" particular phrase,
Help me, me!    I "believe" after all,   so I can help the child in me, or whatever part of me is
"searching and cannot find",  the supply I need for myself!    It does work  everyone !   It does!
Certainly , " stinginess" is NOT an attribute of our "GOD OF LOVE"  and holding "anything" back isn't an attribute either.   Therefore, I am in charge of getting my needs met,  "knowing" they "have been" met once and for all!    Huh,   yep, indeed,  they HAVE !!!     I only "need" to look and find the definitive for my needs,  that's it !

"Looking beyond "and "searching"  for "truth"  .."INSIDE"  us,  is our privilege !   "Help me, me" !!    I have a "more than willing" CREATOR !!   I have "free will" and as "our "PARTNER" in "LIFE or FOREVER."...same thing", ( A DONE DEAL ),    I am the one who asks and finds !  "HOW SPECIAL" !!!!

One "special" morning, I  FOUND  this "little filly" & so much more everyday, now!

Top-of-the-hill, "MORNING CLIMB", on Rice Rd.....:)
Travelers by,... almost daily,  fun, fun , fun !!!

Have a "wonderful" action- packed,  day,  "EVERYONE" !

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................:),,,..(WordPress_Archives 2014-2015),,  ( I Support Life & Living Words) Google+

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