Saturday, May 23, 2015

THIS IS "THE" earlier view

A "BEFORE"  &  "AFTER"...ME in Glendale, the "big"city.....

Now,  a  "horse" of  a  different  color ! ........:)   The  call  of  the "wild" !...."EXCITING" !

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson__ author/publisher

The call of the "wild",......I guess that's what this is !   I finally get it!  I have been soooooo busy fixing up the place,  getting into town to buy ample "groceries" for to last several "days", ha ha,
going for walks, & taking pictures for folks around the U. S. and Alaska,  I forgot,  THIS IS MY NEW LIFE,  & I can sit back & enjoy every little thing about it!   Yesterday,  around 10:00 a.m.,  I finally got it together and decided to WALK up-the-hill again.  At first I DID huff & puff, but halfway up "I" got my momentum going and the climb became "easy" again.  That,  I was thankful for.   I took a day or two off,  to relax & regroup , & let my "Back"  get "Back" into shape !

This morning with my new-found position,  literally, I am in "control" and have a "great" day ahead of me.  But, yesterday's discoveries on my "great walk" first.  Here are some of them,

This is Dennis,  I met Dennis on my way back home,  after a chat with him,  I discovered he is on-the-mend from a FALL, breaking his femur in April.  We both had this bone broken and exchanged our experiences about advancing,, let's say & getting "honest" with "Life"did we DO that Dennis ? .....maybe a little, huh ?

This little "colt" walked away from her mama to meet me for picture taking !

These two " beauties" were next,  not easy to capture,  lots of movement when someone shows some interest !

In this "shot",  I headed back to Rice ( my road just ahead, and walked down Rice toward home,  where I met Dennis,  (ealier picture !

Once again,  back at the ranch....:),  I pick up where I left off,  continued to do laundry,  hang curtains,  etc.   "AND"   make arrangements for TOMORROW,   to go down to Ventura,   (20 miles away),  and   "SHOP" ..... 'til I, "drop".................:)  !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................:),,,,,( all WordPress) 2014- 2015,,, Google+

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