Sunday, May 17, 2015

No color today, my camera just might be overworked......:) 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson_author publisher

My camera "overworked: ?,  yep probably,  and my laptop too,  is having some "issues" ! .....:)
So,  on I go on,  bringing to you another post on this place called " a little bit country".....Ojai, CA

During yesterday's walk I captured some other pictures of horse's corrals and two goats *, but I gotta tell you, something not - so- usual,   looked to my left in the meadow, and saw two deer !  On yes, they frolicked about so much I could not manage to get their pictures !   I'll get them,  just you wait !  My neighbor,  Chuck,  commented on "how unusual seeing deer here in the river bottom was" !
So now, another challenge lies of "doe, a deer, a female deer".....:) Julie Andrews,
"Sound of Music" !

* Now these pictures I share today,  from yesterday morning's walk down Meyer Rd. ( a street adjoining my road),  no hill to climb yesterday!

Two goats sharing the same corral !

This goat seemed to be "the consummate performer, as he proceeded to jump up on a block and pose for the picture !....:)
More of the ever popular   "horses corral",  (they are everywhere)  here in this "great country"
Now this "selfie" as I returned to my home and my gate,  with my secret "deer episode:",   a "future event" coming up !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................:)

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