Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Never more than today have we needed to "KNOW real LOVE" and the extraordinary POWER it has.!

 by author/publisher; Kat (Mary) Carlson

So I start this morning, 4:15 a.m.,  up with the birds and roosters,  with this message I have
held at bay for a while....( I guess, it's because , well,  who knows why  ?).

If you have ever said,  and we all have done so,  all I need is MORE "patience",  or I need MORE
faith,  or another phrase is MORE peace,  or another,  MORE love, and so on and so on!  I now "KNOW" positively for sure that never ever do we need more of these attributes !  NEVER...more!

Quite simply put,...these ATTRIBUTES themselves ARE.!   Meaning when you are blessed with them,
all is needed is to know them and trust their "ability" to "perform for us."   It's a whole new world for me,  because it's no longer a matter of  _"finding"_ "enough" of  "anything".  I also know that these attributes have been given to me & you and have access to what we need when we need it, AND I might had "cheerfully",  "what we want when we want it".  How's that GRAB ya' ?

Yep I mean exactly that !   I really do!!   Our hearts are what determine "who we are" & "what we do" in LIFE.   Your heart & mine are "sanctioned" and "CAN"  be "trusted with" &  "given all things " !   This wonderful "glaring" fact helps  you & me  to have exactly what IS intended for this LIFE !  I for one,  Am  "thrilled"  to not only have "enough"   but I can also  "celebrate it"  with others who live & share  this GREAT world!

"Faith is the substance",  "FAITH IS SUBSTANCE"   it knows "what to do and when to do it,  right ? And so on down the line with other attributes as well.  No short-term memory at all!   Ready to trust "trust" ?  Ready to let "faith" ... "work" ?  It's really VERY simple !   Honest !......:)

Now,  WHO  wouldn't believe "THAT"  face ?......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................:)


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