Friday, August 28, 2015


Gorgeous " Lavender Inn".......................downtown Ojai on Matilija Street

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _____ author/publiisher

Once in a while,  you just decide to put " STUFF" in a blog,  well, because you just decide to,

I'll peer into my "bag of tricks",  and pick this...............

Oh yeah,  that's lovely,  don't you think  ? 

Maybe I'll look again,  ........ how about this .......

This happens to be my good friend Martha ,  98 yrs. and counting (she's still bowling & wondering why she hasn't made a strike lately )....

Not doing badly so far,  huh?  People just can't be beat ......they are funny,  curiously odd, & often so awesome too ....... Gotta love them .....Now,  what's next ?

Hey Martha,  there you are again on your 98th birthday,   wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.... ha ha ha   

I snuck that one in because,  why not ?

I admit that this picture of me is one of my favorites,  I remember the walk I took and all those pictures of Topa Topa 

exhausted me and I just plopped down outside in my patio chair,  decided I'll take a "selfie" ,  what's next,  let's see .........
Yep,  I like this pic of Chrisy ......."beautiful"   

Next ...............
Prettiest place on "earth" home 

Lily (Snow) .......funny ,  first time I gave her a last name,  of course,  Lily is my "featured image on ( ...back in 2014-2015 * lots of interesting topics there to choose from.......more stuff ?

Another "fav"  of mine,   

Be sure & mail your letters here at our Ojai Post Office

* Look out ..... more of this kind of thing ........ give yourself the attention you need

I'll stop filling these pages with "stuff",  and let you "get on with your day" ... " Happy Trails"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................:)

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