Tuesday, October 20, 2015



This is it folks round the world,  this is Rice Rd. where I begin my daily walk ......pretty spectacular

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

Time marches on,  change is eminent,  this morning walk on Rice Rd. months ago at this very same time was bright & LIFE everywhere was up-and-at-em.   Now,  it's quiet.   I love the seasons.  I never want to forget who's in charge of this beautiful,  wonderful world we live in.

It's great when you listen and remember that we are not alone.  With great Love and planning,  our world
was designed for wondrous living.   Hush now,  let me tune in.   Ah yes,  it's YOU.  I'm in awe.

Again with the view,  it just couldn't go unnoticed,  so I snapped this picture,  seizing the moment ...

Stopping everything,  so hard to do sometimes,  often times even,  but I'm never sorry.  My, oh my,  I even balk at the thought of doing it.  I don't regret reminding myself of who's in charge and there is nothing to worry about,  after all.  Oh well,  yes,  I cry.  It's a real eye-opener when I have gotten caught up in what I think is SO important that there isn't time for anything but finishing this or finishing that.

............................................................................................:)    Chuckle, chuckle !!!

When I do it (whatever "it" is) with the perspective that I get -to -do- it,  not "have-to-do-it ",  there is new LIFE within and I smile inside because I AM.   And that means I can,  whenever I wish and choose to.

Wake up and "smell" the roses today and everyday.  You have x amount of days here on this planet,
what's the hurry ?   Pull a mint out of your pocket,  give it to a person next to you on the bus,  you know,  make it personal,   there's no time like the "present".   If you want,  you could call an old friend,  remember the good ole' days ...... like, "What's the Secret Word " ....with Groucho Marx,  or "Kukla Fran and Ollie",  ..... "Howdy Doody",  " Singing in the Rain"  with Gene Kelly ..... "Mr. Greenjeans" ......
"Johnny Carson" ....... "Marshall Dillon ",  ... "Dinah Shore" ... "See the USA in your Chevrolet",... add to this list,   I challenge you.  " Heart of My Heart",  I Love that Melody, heart of my heart bring back those memories,  when we were kids on the Corner of the Street ........ if this doesn't sound familiar,  sorry about that,   simply a generation gap.  You understand !

Of course......" WE ... (brother & sister) ...REMEMBER " !!!!

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................................................................:)

"Embrace Me, my Sweet Embraceable You, .................Have a "great day"  

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