Thursday, August 27, 2015


IT'S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING.............( love that song,  have you heard it ? )

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

My daily walks/adventures here in our local Ojai Valley,  find events & people who have stories
that excite me.  One such story is that of this fellow walker named Dennis Leary, see pic

Some time ago,  I published Dennis's picture on this blog.  He & I had a similar experience,   a fall resulting in a broken hip.

Yesterday around two months later,  I happily came across this friend of mine "walking" without his walker.  ( Dennis & I are the same age "75" ).  So out came my camera,  and he kindly let me take his picture now ...........walking anew

Bravo Dennis .......that's "GREAT"  !

Our celebrated "climb-up-this-hill"  is a challenge but oh,  it yields fabulous results!  Getting well is a "joy" to those of us who get to go there in our own "reality".  I'm proud of you Dennis!

Every morning,  before & after I pass these guys straight down my short gravel road and over the fence,  "Alpacas".  Yesterday  I couldn't resist taking this picture.  
The alpacas don't usually come up this close to the fence.  There is a "tree" behind them and that's their "hangout" as a rule.  Aren't they an interesting lot ?  And I think they are "adorable".

Vicki and Red,  my two "great" friends down at the stables,  well,   I have the pleasure of visiting these two everyday

As time progresses,  come October,  2015,  Vicki and I are going to sit down and start interviewing
with hopes of me writing Vicki and Red's interesting "LOVE" story.  Vicki's story in her own right,  is really something I want to share with folks around the world.   I know you'll fall in love with her as I have.  I can't wait to get started  ..........

More to come in the days ahead,  news about  Ojai Valley and it's vistas ,  also stories and pictures
of "very" interesting colorful people around town. 

Meanwhile, stay tuned everyone,  I am going to be driving my "golf cart" in the near future.   Keep those positive thoughts & donations coming ! 

 To donate:  (Relief Fund - Managing Transportation)  "Mary Carlson"   Thanks!

Although this golf cart is sitting in my very own back yard,  this one actually belongs to my friend,  Karen.

"It's a very happy occasion for me folks,   meeting like this each day.........................."

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ....................................................................................................:)

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