Saturday, August 29, 2015


Morning everyone ....... It's me,  Kat   

by: Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Saturday,  August 29,  2015.   I'm coming to you this morning dressed in "grown up" garb.
And that only because I was inspired to say a few things about "my" spiritual journey".
Years ago,  many many years I began serious growth determined to take charge of the
sickness in my LIFE.  I started with "Words",  meditating and concentrating on them until "they" ( words)  became "real" and had meaning.   Gee, that has gone on now for years and years
and has brought about absolute change.  

Absolute in that I have "most gratefully",   learned that the place I am at now,  has a solid footing.  I asked to be rooted and grounded in profound  " LOVE".    Now,   I know without a doubt,  that no matter what changes come either inside or outside,  I will always be shored up in "love's power".    I can "NEVER"  lose ground.   All that has gone before me,   the "growth"  I've made,  is "solid" as a "rock".   With that awareness,  I  "rest" and know that those kinds of dividends are spectacular.

The world system,  at large,  can and will "never" grant you or me that kind of  " SECURITY".

So,  as the title of my blog overall,  is this  "ONE STEP CLOSER"because I "really" am "One Step Closer",   you see.  I can only build,  better and better "substance",  it IS "money-in-the-bank",  only  much,  much, better!  We all know how "fleeting" the value of money is these days,
don't we ?  Life and Solidarity,  that's where my focus is.  That's what  I "Herald",  this morning,
that's where I spend my efforts,  just  plain,  "BEING " and "BEING" at "PEACE",  being
"FREE".  There is a song,  it goes like this ,  "house built on a weak foundation will not stand,  oh no".

You & I are able to "stand" now,  because we have seen to it that our "house"  is built to "LAST",  no "matter" what.   And I really do mean " matter".  It's something to give thought to.

Enjoy your weekend !! 


 (_ A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................:)

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