Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Yep,  this is "me",  waiting patiently for someone to come help me get-into-town !

by :  Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Oh, by the way,  in this picture it is 90 degrees at 10:00 a.m.  We "DO" get lots of "weather" in this beautiful little burg !  It gets very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.  being outdoors is what I prefer.  So, most days I just quite simply grab my walker and do just that !!!
I go where the people are and the vistas are plentiful.

On the move.......that's COUNTRY

The only drawback is,  there are  grocery bags to carry too!

 If by any chance I sound ungrateful,  don't count on it,........I know this is a wonderful "GIG" and cannot think of enough ways to express my thanks for the "precious LIFE" I now ENJOY.

The beautiful views on my way to.....

our nearest grocery store ( Von's) 5 miles !
Everyday I go to the store,  I walk at least 3 miles.  I take the trolley to Von's and then back to my stop on La Luna,  and head back to my little "oasis".

My driver took me a little further today 
Thank  you George,  you're a "gem" 

Me again,  shopping for "grub"

This blog/post is dedicated to the fundraiser I started a few weeks ago regarding the purchase of a "golf cart" for me to use when I have bad weather to contend with.  It just seems the smartest way to provide me with travel means.  Automobiles,  not-so-much !  

donate to Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation - Mary Carlson)  Please accept my undying gratitude & love for your contributions to this cause.
It is going to be a "relief" for sure to be independent in this way.

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

"All the way to town" 

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