Sunday, August 30, 2015

AND AWAY WE GO....( Honeymooners)

Luke Skywalker & me,  this a.m. (7:15)

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Bright & early this morning,  after reluctantly crawling out of bed,  I took a shower to loosen the kinks, up and down my spine,  then I selected my cool clothes for the day ( shorts & tank top),   I made a fresh pot of java.   Sometimes I love the aroma so much I just stick my nose in the container and take a whiff.  ...:)   Soon,  the signal was a "go" from my freshly brewed pot of coffee,  and I poured a cup,  added honey,  always,  I use "honey" for practically everything  ( honey is a natural antibiotic), and for extra flavor I add a peppermint.   I just discovered this little treat.  It's s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- good !

This  sizzling hot weather here in Ojai,  has left the orange trees looking a little wilted and thirsty,
so  I watered some before I took my "usual" walk down Rice.  The horse stables are on my way on
Meyer Road.  Stopped for a bit to see my friends there,  Vicki,  Red,  Darth Vadar,  and the horse you see above in this picture with me is Luke Skywalker.   I named then myself.   Horses are sensitive,  I've discovered.  On certain days,  they can't be cozy enough and dearly love petting,  other days,  they practically run from you.   Sounds a little like people,  huh?  

These passers-by showed up as I started my upward climb 

This "trio"  is Marlene,  Chad and Jeff.  

Here is the first shot I took of these Ojaians

I have always felt that this picture should be published in some magazine,  it's just so .......


I checked my photos this morning & found this interesting one that I took yesterday shopping at the local market.  

I just "love" having my camera ready at moments like these.  Both of us had visited the shop called " Attitude Adjustment ". .....:) 

One more picture of me & cool-hand "Luke"....

Oooooooops,  this isn't Luke ,  this is Darth !   (Luke &  Darth share the same corral.,  Luke has the pretty stripe down his nose and Darth is,  "Dark" ..)

*  It's Sunday  August 30, 2015.  Still a little time left to make it a day you'll remember....

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................................:)

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