Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Just need to focus on this "precious" picture right now,  so indulge me,  sooooo happy 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson

The "truth".   I am NOT happy right now.  Probably isn't something you want to read or hear,
Probably isn't something I should be writing.  This morning started out great.  But progressively got worse.  I'll stop there.  Next my intent is to focus on the word  " LOVE ".  I know personally it's great and wonderful "POWER".  I know it as more powerful and stronger than the ROCKIES
and The ROCK OF GIBRALTAR.   That being said,  I'm a little "rocky" myself tonight.

It's time for me to recall the awesomeness and dependability of such a CONNECTIVITY to LIFE itself.  I was taken over and through the thresh hold of either "LIFE" or "DEATH"  by this
"divine"  force.  I was given the keys to the KINGDOM,  "peace", "love,  "rest",  "faith", "happiness".   Tonight I am "struggling" to get-in-touch with all of these forces or even one.

I gotta say,  it's a bit daunting,  and bewildering since practically all I write about is the absolute dependability of what I call " Life's Greatest Gifts ".   Oh yes,  I do call this POWER , _ GOD.
Some physical impairments as well as mental have me puzzled.  So,  I am writing to just simply
get it out there that "I" am still having my "battles",  as I presume others do as well.  

I looked back at the picture (image) of me that I posted at the beginning of this blog.  You know, I don't like it after all.   So,  now for another __

Yeah,    that's it ! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .......................................................................................:)

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