Friday, August 7, 2015


This "TIP" will make a difference in your "LIFE"    

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'll start by saying this,  you'll not get this advice from your Doctor.....either kind,  Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Psychiatry  ( what's the difference it's all medicine anyway, huh? ).  To continue I am going to recommend this type of experiment in addition to or in place of a "tranquilizer" or "ativan" or other types of mood medicines.  First off,  I am not taking medicines of any kind and have undergone,  hordes of body & emotional changes,  all of which I have used various natural means to assist my growth.  This "ADORABLE"  wind up clock is one of many methods I use.

It dawned on me a few months to a year ago,  that this sound .... tick,  tick,  tick,  tick,  tick was  a similar sound to our own heart beat.  For me,  it was a nostalgic sound.   I used to sleep upstairs with my wonderful "grandmother" when I was a kid.   We slept in an enormous "feather" bed.
In the room was a grandfather clock and it was always ticking.  I remembered that glorious sound and made the decision to purchase a wind up clock.  This is the one,  in the above picture.

I will go-on-record as saying,  you are going to be "surprised" at the soothing and powerful results when you keep it very close to you at night or as I do,  I lay in right on my chest.  Obviously, our bodies respond to stimuli or no one would even take pills in the first place.   
In the case of a clock that sounds like a heart beat,  our own system is reminded of it's own center/ruler,  it's "HEART".  Beyond the physical is also the symbol of "LOVE"  the center of 
"LIFE".   THE  MOST  POWERFUL  FORCE   !!!!    It heals our wounds!

Go out and buy a clock,( like the one in my picture)  it doesn't cost much,  it even may sound a little silly, .......I'm certain in- the- end,   _ it   "will"  "sound"  like "relief".   It "will" alleviate a "fewsleepless nights and probably more than that !    

"OWNER OF A LONELY HEART" .......ever hear that song ?   A clock,  it's metal,  how could it work to provide comfort at times, _  "IT DOES" !!! ..........................................:) 

"LOVE" & "POWER"  is a heart beat  "AWAY "

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................................................................:)

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