Sunday, August 9, 2015


Although it's "hard" to believe,  that IS  "ME",  many years ago ( 50 yrs.)

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Would you look at the " HAIR " ?   I had "Lots" and it was curly too.  The topic of this blog is about "touching".   And yes, it's about touching your own flesh/body.   More of the articles I written on this subject are on  Knowing how much you & I push ourselves,  hence our bodies and the harshness of the world at large on these vessels of ours,  we can only enhance our HEALTH,  by attending to our own individual persona.  Understand,  when we stroke our bodily parts,  we not only help our systems, ( immune & also lots, lots more ).  When you & I realize that it's the only body we have and taking care of it is up-to-us. 

Gently,  recognizing that we are in touch with the nerves,  skin and very close underneath ,are the blood vessels,
  decide this is a very healthy practice all the way around.  Emotionally, we benefit & physically, 
as also reap wonderful results.  After I take a shower,  I rub delightful smelling cream (Blissful Body), and take my time to make myself feel good and yes,   feel "loved" !  "If Not Me, Then Who" ?  Another shot : below

Yeah,  I am 75,  however I feel like a teenager !  

Arms and hands and even feet,  especially your feet, ( the bottom of our feet are where all the nerve endings are located)   what a job they have "All Day",  right ?   But I contend that every single inch of our body deserves the attention we need to give it.  Hands, ( my hands),  really do tell me that they like the attention I'm giving them.  How,.... by "feeling so good ". while I am rubbing them.  

I am just beginning to emphasize this practice.  The way I got started was I "broke" my ankle in 2014.  The healing process was quite pleasant,  in that I found giving my ankle "very special" attention ( based on what I knew as a Massage Therapist)  brought about a wonderfully successful healing.  My Orthopedic Doctor announced to me that I was "the Best -little -bone-healer" !!   She was very,  very "smart".......... :)

Here I am doing my thing,  walkingwalking did I mention walking ????

 Be very good to yourself !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................:)


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