Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let's talk,   for a moment  ?   

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Now, I have heard time and time again,  with " FAITH"  you can move mountains.   I am certain you have heard the same thing.   As  I was sort of meditating ( well, you know, "quiet inside" )  moment ago,   I heard a voice on the radio say to another,  same exact thing,  "you can move mountains,   if you have "faith".   With a chuckle inside,  I said to myself,  hmmmmmmmm,...
and could a mountain move a person ?    So,   you see what we all knew all along is that this "speck of DUST,  (me& you)" is  mighty important.   The mountain,  not so much !  ..............:)

Yeah,    a lesson i had this week is to not focus so closely on the "creation" so as to get hung up on what transpires when that sort of "beauty" gets completely out-of-focus.   That 'DID" happen to me more than once,  in recent years/days.    The real importance of that,   is our own being changes from time to time and when disaster imposes itself on "man/woman"  ( humanity),  to be ready" for such an event,  we will survive when we "KNOW WE KNOW",  _ "FAITH & LOVE".  It's then that nature abandons you and me,  it's then that  "knowing"  "SAVES  "YOU & ME" !
AND another "biggy" is this ,  it also "HEALS" _YOU & ME,  _ physically as well as mentally.

Thinking about these things isn't really something that is,  say on the top-of-our-list.   And quite
rightly,  it , IS _ the thoughts who have had to deal with "TRIALS",  that have called for "reaching"  & stretching beyond ........   way  beyond what meets our eyes.   Hence the reality of   "  I  walk be Faith and not by  Sight."

If you've done this and been there,  then,   for certain,  you Do know what I'm talking about.  Now,  "in retrospect,"  as difficult as it was,   I am glad I've had the "training" for "LIFE "!  
I believe every aspect of "MY LIFE".  It's a HUGE statement and knowing that curve balls come 
frequently,  it surely will be challenged.

No,  no,  not  "THIS" kind of getting ready

This kind of getting ready  "DOES"  help a lot though but,


getting down right "HONEST"  will do-the-TRICK !   "YEP",   it is what it takes,  people,
in order for you & I,  to _ "Move Mountains". 

Most of us really do "NOT "want that there mountain we "look" at and "enjoy"  "TO MOVE",
right ?  Your move .........

I've got an "arm"  that is quite "willing" to  experience "healing"....... it's "SORE"......:)     

 (_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

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