Monday, August 31, 2015


It's 7:00 a.m. ,  look closely at the bird in top of the tree (middle)

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _  author/publisher

Headed down to the horse stables on Meyer,  I spotted this lovely moon.  Of course,  we have been having a "beautiful" full moon these last few nights.  My entire back yard was bright and grand. 
Then of course so was the inside of my house.  I "love" mood-lighting" anyway.  Up high in the tree in the middle of this picture there sits a bird.  I tried to zoom in so we could see him.

Then after seeing Red and Vicki at the stables,  I climbed this hill, 

By now,  everyone knows that this hill is my daily challenge, & most often after reaching the top

The top of my hill,  I either turn left on Fairview or right on upper Rice Rd. and continue trekking

 Maybe one of these days,  you can join me,  I'd love some company.  As you can tell though,  I do 
engage with people of all sorts,  people jogging,  walking their dogs  ( oh, yes,  many of them)

Like Fred for instance and his master .......
Jaimie and her two dogs

 We all get to meet & greet often and each other adieu.  Her dogs are so patient.  Jaimie is expecting a new arrival to her family,  a baby.

A very familiar scene on a regular basis,  joggers here and there

This bicyclist was "happy" to have his picture taken ( Libbey Park)

Who hung this moon ?  (first picture )..... you decide !

Probably the same one who produces " ROSES" ...........:) 
and MORE _

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ......................................................................................................:)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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