Wednesday, August 12, 2015


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

"THE ROSE"   _  Bette Midler

Some say "LOVE",   _it is a "river",  _that drowns the tender reed,  _ some say "LOVE", 
it is a razor,   that leaves your "SOUL" to bleed,   some say  "LOVE",   it is a " HUNGER",

an endless aching need, _  I say " LOVE ", _ it is a  " FLOWER ",  and you it's only "seed" _ it's the " DREAM",  afraid of  "waking ", _  that never takes the chance,   it's the "ONE"  _   who won't be "taken",   who cannot seem to "give ",  _ it's the " SOUL ",  afraid of  "DYING",

who never "learns" to  "LIVE", _  when the  " Night",   has been too "LONELY", _ and the road has been too "long",  and you think that " LOVE ", __ is only for the  " LUCKY " and the  "STRONG"

JUST -REMEMBER- IN- THE- WINTER,  _  far beneath  the " bitter"  SNOW,  _ lies the " SEED",  _ that with the " SUN'S / SON'S  "LOVE",  _  in the "spring ",  becomes the "ROSE"   

"Ah-h-h-h - some"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................................:) 

1 comment:

  1. Love the song, thanks Mary. Have a great day. Roses are more than red:)
