Showing posts with label Whatever works !....:). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whatever works !....:). Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015



I'm on hiatus folks,  taking a little "BREAK" for some of this summer .....   

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _author/publisher

B   stands for  "bewitched"

B   stands for  "bothered"

B   stands for  "break time"

Time for a "little" downtown shopping ....  

Summer "fun-in-the-sun"

 Make it a "happy" time

September 1,  2015 ....beginning anew
join me then,  everyone

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)................................:)

Friday, August 7, 2015


This "TIP" will make a difference in your "LIFE"    

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'll start by saying this,  you'll not get this advice from your Doctor.....either kind,  Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Psychiatry  ( what's the difference it's all medicine anyway, huh? ).  To continue I am going to recommend this type of experiment in addition to or in place of a "tranquilizer" or "ativan" or other types of mood medicines.  First off,  I am not taking medicines of any kind and have undergone,  hordes of body & emotional changes,  all of which I have used various natural means to assist my growth.  This "ADORABLE"  wind up clock is one of many methods I use.

It dawned on me a few months to a year ago,  that this sound .... tick,  tick,  tick,  tick,  tick was  a similar sound to our own heart beat.  For me,  it was a nostalgic sound.   I used to sleep upstairs with my wonderful "grandmother" when I was a kid.   We slept in an enormous "feather" bed.
In the room was a grandfather clock and it was always ticking.  I remembered that glorious sound and made the decision to purchase a wind up clock.  This is the one,  in the above picture.

I will go-on-record as saying,  you are going to be "surprised" at the soothing and powerful results when you keep it very close to you at night or as I do,  I lay in right on my chest.  Obviously, our bodies respond to stimuli or no one would even take pills in the first place.   
In the case of a clock that sounds like a heart beat,  our own system is reminded of it's own center/ruler,  it's "HEART".  Beyond the physical is also the symbol of "LOVE"  the center of 
"LIFE".   THE  MOST  POWERFUL  FORCE   !!!!    It heals our wounds!

Go out and buy a clock,( like the one in my picture)  it doesn't cost much,  it even may sound a little silly, .......I'm certain in- the- end,   _ it   "will"  "sound"  like "relief".   It "will" alleviate a "fewsleepless nights and probably more than that !    

"OWNER OF A LONELY HEART" .......ever hear that song ?   A clock,  it's metal,  how could it work to provide comfort at times, _  "IT DOES" !!! ..........................................:) 

"LOVE" & "POWER"  is a heart beat  "AWAY "

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................................................................:)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


This morning I am sporting a new picture (selfie) taken with my new camera, (naturally it's a Vivitar) , please note the adorable "ant" beside me

Some of you folks have heard this, but the "story" about this adorable ant (made, incidentallly out of rocks and wrought iron)  is......"Hey Charles, where did you get the figurine,  (answer)....oh that,  
my "aunt" made it"............:)

by: Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

I am "sipping bottled water" in place of "Java" this morning,  why?  Don't know !   I guess I wanted to mix things up a little !   So,  today the topic is "ERGONOMICS"...definition _ the "science" dealing with designing things (working with things) most comfortably and efficiently.  It is "paramount" in today's world to have the ability to "get things done" with the least amount of effort and still accomplish the desired result!

When I made the humungus move back to "Paradise",  I spent a few hours shaping things up to my liking.  I had a "BALL" !  "I LOVE WORK".  For many years, my friends have told me to write a book on "HOUSEHOLD TIPS"  ( hey, you know I DID start a blog about that very's still in the archives somewhere),  well I haven't done it YET !!......:)   As I was having fun fixin' things up around this place,  the word "ERGONOMICS"  kept popping in my head.  So, I looked it up.  I knew and have known for a while that there really is a better way (more efficient) to do "everyday things" and I have been doing that for a few years on my own. !   I guess there IS a market for it.  It makes life "SIMPLER" _  so there is "time/money"  for "LOTS" of other things,  I can/will pass these tips on,  if you are interested.   At the bottom of my post is a place for "comments".

Back to " the Simple Life, here in God's country,,  just a "few of folks"

On "Memorial Day " weekend I went downtown on the "trolley",  I took this picture (right before I dropped my camera and broke it).  Across the street is the Post Office (huge tower...GORGEOUS ( pic coming soon) ) and a "beautiful park"  called LIBBEY PARK ( there were BOOTHS everywhere..).   Ojai  IS  a tourists town,  so folks came to our fair city for the holiday !

Everyone was "happy ",....merchants,  Country Club  ( Ojai Valley Inn....lovely place),  lodging of every variety !  Neighboring towns are "Oak View," & "Casitas Springs".  There is a lake called "Lake Casitas",  (so sorry that the water level is "down now).  But our Lake is gorgeous !

This "familiar shot"  is seen almost everywhere here in Ojai, CA !  Horses, horses, horses !  Also though, we have  "farms of citrus,  avacodos,  and  lavendar  as well.  I would be remiss if I did not mention the "TREES", fabulous trees, in droves !   

COMING favorite shot:

One "sweet" morning on my usual walk up-the-hill came along these special people from up-the-hill on Fairview Street !  I love it!

ALWAYS a pleasure friends:  from Ojai,  CA

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................................:),,  ( Word archives (10/14 - 1/15) "Sweet Nothings" _"Peace for Everyday"_, & so much more to choose from: ( I Support Life & Living Words)  Google+

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Getting a chance to go back to another one of my venues,  I SUPPORT LIFE,
when you find this post,   scroll down the archives (April 18) to  "TICK TOCK".   I decided to do this this morning because that  clock sound in my sweet grandmother's bedroom gave me solace last night while I gave way to itching like  .."CRAZY"... it just would not stop,  so with lovely piano music by Ernesto Cortazar AND the sound of this ticking clock,  I slept !!!

There's a "GREAT "line up of other posts in this venue,  I hope you will take time to read one or two!   Another one of my blogs there , is entitled "LIVING WORDS" .    Take a peek,  this is about Ojai CA.  as well!    Yep, writing is what I do,  I got a million of them, folks....:)     Check me out at Word Press too !    Archives:  (August 2014-January 2015)You folks in such countries as United Kingdom,  Ireland,  Greece,  Alaska,  Ukraine,  welcome aboard.  Stay with is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

So, "TICK TOCK", this morning & more,  if you choose to browse there on "I SUPPORT LIFE",

This shot is "nightfall" outside my living room"interesting" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:)