Saturday, July 4, 2015


               YEP,  it "IS" INDEPENDENCE DAY

I am, oh so "grateful" for that too !!!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

_"Our country "does" enjoy a place where this concept is allowed." 

That's so-o-o ...."COOL"....... &  I plan to_ and I DO,  take advantage of my "FREEDOM"........with THANKS,  everyday !!!


 (_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................:)


Friday, July 3, 2015

MY INVESTMENT in _ "REAL" estate

Actually,  not the land around me,  BUT the "house" I  live & breathe,  eat & sleep,  think & talk,  move & laugh, shower  & dress, & " EVERYTHING " that is done in my "BODY"

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My gosh,  there isn't anything I do without my body being included,  huh?  WELL, then,  I am certainly glad,  I am learning to give it the  attention & love,  it both " needs & deserves" !  How could I have abandoned it all these years and never acknowledged or devoted myself  to what it needs and wants ?  In my book,  that's  "ABUSE",   & don't tell me your body does not "know it".

I am just now discovering my body "DOES HAVE" a "VOICE".  Who did I think was screaming in pain about this ache and that pain, etc ?   But,  I didn't tell it,  "I'll take care of you",  now that I am,  and recognize it ( my body ), by listening very closely with compassion,  not what you would call "pity" or "anger" or "resentment" or worse, "self-hatred".  ( I can say all these things because I have been there & done that !)   Now that I do take very good care of it , with  love & devotion,   at first, (believe it or not,)   it did not believe me,  but thankfully said so.  " NOW", we simply work together (collaborate)  and there is love & understanding.  That is MY MIRACLE,   that is "human progress" !!

So I am proud & happy with my current "investment" the "MOST" "important" truly "REAL"  estate  I will "EVER"  invest in !!   And I say this to myself,  " I love you",   the tears begin to fall, ....."HEALING"  takes place ! .........

Yep,  it IS ... a "WONDERFUL WORLD" !!!

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


From the " first time " I saw this image,  I became so enamored with it,  nice picture,  don't you think ? 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

So "HEARTLAND" is my choice this morning for a title,  ( I always call them "working titles", because I never know where I am going to go with any of them).  Sure does make my "work" interesting,  well,  at least it does for me.

When I woke up,  something didn't click in my mind or state-of-being.  I needed "freshness",  I
journey "so many"  places during the day ... ( in my head, & in my LIFE).  It is SOOO rich in nature,  and I am challenged by many different kind of relationships.  This morning,  when I saw I was not my usual self,  a bit weary,  I sought the quiet vigilance once again , reaching for , well, honestly, I really didn't know what I "WAS " searching for,  that complete "honesty", although risky as it was,   took me to a  FABULOUS  place,  in my  HEART & MIND.  I turned on a music station that I rarely listen to,  it was ROGER WILLIAMS music.  There I "traveled" and soared in my experiential,  feeling level There was "great" conversation & insight,  and I faced myself and what my challenges are this day.  Incredibly,  I began to "see" and "desire" my very own current place & experience here & now.   As my thoughts & mind & heart, "journeyed",   I honed in on this title "HEARTLAND".  OJAI is my "HEARTLAND".

One of the pieces of music  I heard on Roger Williams station was the score from "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA", I said,   it was sort of "other-worldly"  for me,  genres that were quite different.   and then I had had enough, and decided to settle into this awesome country "LIFE ",   with temperatures soaring to 90's and 100's.  That situation,  in itself,  can be and is challenging.  So back to "lovely,  lovely" & "beautiful"  OJAI, CA. , and another day of unfolding mysteries & joyous "heart-felt" relationships ( all walks of life-type, relationships) 

Our worlds vary,  but we all need "LOVE" , "ACCEPTANCE" & "UNDERSTANDING"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:)

You will no doubt find a new & different type of blog , me KAT,  on WordPress once again.  I began something there yesterday called  IS SHE OR IS SHE NOT ?    It will be directed toward around-the-house type of goodies, & may shed light on "how-to's" !  ..........................................:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Yes it's me & I'm in LOVE again,  of course,  it IS a SONG title.....:), but WAIT, it's w-a-y too HOT here in Ojai 
for THIS picture
so here, how about this one

There now,  better ?  Way cool !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last night around 10:00 p. m. it was STILL "HOT" here in our neck-of-the-woods, around 88.5 degrees !  Good ole AC ran most of the night.

Are you experiencing unusual weather where you are?

So here I am 3:00 a.m., just shut the back door, turned off the fan, and closed the sliding glass door a little,  after I satisfied a little hunger pangs with oatmeal & blueberries, 1/2 cup of java, I am here at my laptop, still "happy" for a brand new day !

I anticipate mysteries to "unfold"
as is a custom for me everyday !


In recent days,  my actual "DREAMS" keep unfolding, step-by-step!

Big time,  "thrilling & comforting ",  _"  huge," _"LOVE"  permeates the "AIR" I breathe !

It really IS an "oxymoron" to intitle this post to "run,  don't walk,"  because the CLOSER I get,  it seems,  that for-the-most part,  I become quieter and more "PEACEFUL & STILL" but FULL of anticipation,  all-the-same !!  I guess in part I AM running to my "DREAMS" being fulfilled,  and experiencing the ultimate"PROMISE" !

Very soon, I will be 3/4 a century old,  (in just two weeks,)  I am happy & grateful for my "LIFE" !  Honestly,  I did not know how good it could be.

That's a wrap this morning,  friends!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........:),, (WordPress 2014-2015) ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Good morning my friends around the globe,  welcome !

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/ publisher

These bits of "Trivia" were recently mailed to me by a "great" friend from my old "haunt" in
Glendale, CA.  They are as follows:

" To make sure they don't drift apart , sea otters hold hands when they sleep"......  awwww !                                                                                                                                            
" The inventor of the Pringle's can,  Fredric Baur,  had his ashes buried in one".....hmmmm!

"Hitler's nephew Willam Patrick Hitler, in 1939 wrote an article called,  " Why I Hate My Uncle", he later emigrated to the U.S. and served in the Navy during World War II."

" All clams start out as males,  but some later become females".....

" A day without sunshine is like,  you know,  night" " _ * Steve Martin

" Police departments in Canada hand out positive ticketswhen they see citizens doing something positive.  They are redeemable for community discounts and other rewards "......... cool

" The audible rumbling in your tummy is called "borborygmi"................................")

" Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them all "....................:)

" In Disney's "Fantasia", the Sorcerer's name was "Yensid ( Disney spelled backwards"....

* If these tickled -your- funny -bone or maybe enlightened you some,  I'm glad.  I enjoyed them too! 

One of my two new best friends, this one I dubbed "Darthvader"

And now I also present, "Luke Skywalker",  these two fellas are stable-mates on Meyer Rd.

Signing off for Tuesday,  June 30, 2015  ( the last day of June).....

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................................................:),,  )WordPress archives 2014-2015), http:// ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Lanvender Inn, downtown Ojai

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

This morning,  I give tons & tons of  "THANKS "!   For sure,  I am blessed with many wonderful things.  As I crawled out of bed to close the windows from a place with lots of sun & heat yesterday, and head toward the bathroom,  I suddenly gave thanks for my feet,   that carries me everywhere everyday, and found an absolute "litany" of  stuff that reminds me "how lucky" I AM.
From my feet to my toes, and ears,  eyes and head,  it was not hard to go on and find that everything in my fabulous "LIFE" is more than enough to be grateful for!  I never have trouble finding things to complain about.  I mean,  I didn't even realize I was repeating these things over and over in my head, ya know, simply an ache here and an ache there, nevertheless, my brain goes there,  ( I hardly even knew) and yet, there it is/was each morning. So, today I found being thankful so easy and inviting company for myself,  my "BODY " & "MIND"  & "HEART " to dwell on. ( By the way, to "dwell" means where you live,  all-the-time ) !

THERE'S A SMILE ON MY FACE FOR THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE & & IT'S ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE", by _Mr. Nat King Cole, ...........thanks man !!...........................................:)

Ah yes, of course this is a plus, but don't really use that like I use my feet, eyes, ears,  "EVERY" minute of EVERYDAY !!!

Of late, I have been telling my ankles, muscles,  bones,  nerve cells, etc. that I love them and thank them ( I do this while I rub them with lotion or cream),  and I guess this morning,  it has taken hold and my brain is in a wonderful mode !!!  Well,  brain & heart,  keep on, keeping on !!
 I could not ask for a better companion. 

So, here, on-the-ranch ...:), it IS a "beautiful morning" ..........YES ?

My coffee is waiting,  and even before I had my first cup,  today,  _  I found my "cup of ambition" ( Dolly Parton in  (Working 9 to 5 what a way to make a Living)  in "Life itself"

Thanks for the visit "this morning",   friends .......

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:),, ( Archives 2014-2015,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

THIS morning,  I gotta "GO" with this black & white,  friends,  this "TITLE" _ "YOUNG AT HEART" dates back,  huh?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I've been all over the web, .......  goofing off,  experimenting,  etc.    I finally gave up.   No music played at Rice Road ( my house) all day yesterday,  oh now ,  THAT'S unusual, very,  very unusual.
These facts may or may NOT be connected.   Still last night "&"this a.m, (many hours)  I was dabbling on the internet ( mostly,  web sites,  and I " just now"  surrendered to this concept .....)  HELP,    I don't know what I'm doing.!!!    THEN,   right then,  I tuned in to Pandora radio station  ( my music station)  and "up came"  two songs that are unique and special to me with "connections from above",  well,   you know what I did, (of course,)   I DO this a lot,   _ I cried !   Sometimes,  I just plain,  get lost "in space",   I go venturing off,  and , looking for something different,  something extra.   Okay,   I DID  find some new interesting things to share with my readers,  but I also made a few boo-boos !!   But  "MOON RIVER" ,  by Andy Williams & "YOUNG AT HEART"  by Frank Sinatra  has me back on track.  YAY !  Honestly,  I am a little kid sometimes or as I have often been called a "maverick",   I investigate,  yep,  I do!......................:)   And I often need a rope to pull me back in !  It always works, though !  Whew !!    ( I've got a friend,  "people") !!!

Yesterday I shared a few pics at the pool,  this is another one.  Here I am relaxing after trapsing around Ojai all morning  

I took a few more pictures , here they are ..........

This is a picture of our SHOPPING CENTER with a market called "VON'S" and other places to shop & eat

By the shopping mall above, is this "bus stop", with a Gold Coast bus to Ventura, CA,  where I went one day this week 

When I take daily walks, though,  this is the top-of-the-hill and I am again headed back home

Going to town is my get-away, but a very long one,  so I get quite a variety here in my new digs

These guys are always here to "greet" me....."EMUS"

Happy Sunday everyone,  far & near .........