Showing posts with label Set me FREE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Set me FREE. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2015

"Sale" over for this month ,  more in the future it seems 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Last Saturday I held a very productive "Yard Sale".   Oh, don't judge by this picture ,  there's more 
I was able to eek out several signs on various mediums,  like for instance,  pillow cases...below 

Indeed ,  I did use pillow cases and customers from all over commented on my unusual signs....... 

here's  another look at the goods .......

I enjoyed myself and made a profit at the same time ....can't beat that ! 

As the day progressed,  others began to participate and decided to join me soon ( September, 2015) in a neighborhood "YARD SALE".   I "LOVE "it  !   Sounds like an awesome deal.  Then my friend, Vicki ( remember, Vicki & Red ( her horse)...that story coming up soon),  anyway, there will be a few more participants next time.

You might imagine how people enjoyed the beautiful surroundings here at the "ranch".  Yep, they did.  When the sun changed after about 10:00 am,  i started moving tables around.  It seemed prudent for people to to able to stand and look without the sun glaring down on them and the items for sale.  The tables & I moved around 4 or 5 times during the sale.  I just "chuckled" at myself for deciding to do that in the first place.  I was comfortable and so were the others.

Creativity and necessity, (the mother of invention)  are loads of fun.  LIFE doesn't usually get boring for me.  It does though occasionally.  That's when I either "go with it",  or change it.  
CHANGE for more comes often.  I know sometimes it "REALLY" does seem uncomfortable 
but when your brain has a chance to produce life-giving stimuli,  it just makes for an interesting 
"self".  At the "HELM"  of making changes,  is the product of "FAITH".  It really does make it all possible.  And believe me,  it is "scary" too! 

There are lots of "surprises" in "LIFE",  and being ready for what comes isn't often the case.  But learning to expect "change" will make  &  increase your success and ability to grow with it.

It  "IS"  all in the game ....all in the wonderful game that we know as "LOVE" ! ......( sung by: Mr. Nat King Cole)

Be ready folks,  change is a comin',  ride the tide........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:)   or "2" 

Saturday, July 4, 2015


               YEP,  it "IS" INDEPENDENCE DAY

I am, oh so "grateful" for that too !!!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

_"Our country "does" enjoy a place where this concept is allowed." 

That's so-o-o ...."COOL"....... &  I plan to_ and I DO,  take advantage of my "FREEDOM"........with THANKS,  everyday !!!


 (_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................:)


Monday, June 8, 2015

                           " BELIEVE IT"

Back from a "REAL"  l-o-n-g  walk ! _ (wait until you see the pictures I took )  It was hot & sunny here in Ojai, hence the "hat" !......................:)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last evening I fell asleep at around 5:30 p.m., after a bite to eat !  It was "muy caliente" inside my house,  so when I awakened at 9:30,  it was then COOL outside and "even hotter" inside.  Immediately I got up and threw open windows, doors and whatever I needed to be comfortable. Incidentally,  my air-conditioner is scheduled to be put in asap.  The lovely walk, even though "HOT"  was  another street/road  called "Fairview" !  I saw a scene I hoped I could capture, so I high-tailed it down a side road ( private) , continuing to "investigate".  Next picture you see will be TOPA TOPA,  this mountain peak is the  " profile "  of  "Topa Topa,"   ( an Indian Chief)!

Look closely, & imagine the chin,  forehead, nose & eyes ! This scene can be "seen" ....from almost every vantage point here in Ojai Valley !

Back to my story title,  " Much Obliged",  today,  I will make this message as clear as possible. 
In my recent "bewilderment" with some changes that shook-me-up, a little,  I have been quieter
inside gaining some confidence,  etc.  I draw inward and seek "clarity & guidance" !  In doing this,
this morning & yesterday as well,  I remembered something significent about " FREEDOM " from within  ( as I see it & experience it) !  True freedom means-to-me, not being obligated to anyone. This kind of "station" in one's life,  actually makes you "MORE" able to assist in the live's of others,
and more importantly,  "OURSELVES"   When & "if",   you "HAVE to" "do anything" from this angle, usually,  you haven't the objectivity to  truly  "HELP"  yourself or others !  

SILENCE "IS" GOLDEN,  real true "SILENCE",  helps me "empty" my prejudiced thoughts, and
become "OPEN" from my "HEART" to powerful insight,  clarity from Truth,  "witness" LIFE, for the very first time from a "delightful perspective" .  Our very own minds, do not have this objectivity, and can not " create real "LIFE".  That's a "privilege" of our enlightened "HEARTS" !  I KNOW I can trust my "HEART" to come forth with the... power-to-change... my LIFE for GOOD !  OBLIGATION  does not allow this "Energy" to flow,  in fact it "BINDS" !

"OBJECTIVITY" can be obtained,  and thereby _set you "free"_ !  I give myself this "FREEDOM",
to stand apart, allowing  "fresh ideas to come forth", _ "NEWNESS OF LIFE" !!!!!!!!!  I use my quiet times to do this,  the "results" are "AMAZING, & MIRACULOUS".  In fact I'm pretty sure that's what
"SANCTITY"  means,  yes?

I have often walked down this street know the rest of this song,  don't you,  and  the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before,   does  enchantment  pour out of every door,   no,  it's just on the street where "you live"..........:)
(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:),,  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press)
archives 10/14 - 1/15, ( Living Words & I Support Life),,  Google+,