Sunday, August 9, 2015


Don't you just "LOVE" summer ?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

If you take-a-look at the   "tags",   I have contradicted myself on two counts..   Funky day & Feeling Good.   That's because most of the time I DO write about feeling good.   But that's not quite correct.   Yeah,  often I am "doing time" with the struggles of  "my Life" !!   I am going to say though,  I usually  "DON'T "  write anything then   anyway  !!   Ha Ha !!!   So as I arise victorious  & I "SHARE" that,  with you.    And today  I can't go there either,   although last night,  this morning and a few days past,  I just haven't been on-top-of-the-world, and not very pleasant to be around,    of course nobody sees that but me.    So,  who really cares anyway,   huh?


The pictures I took yesterday are "funky too "..................take a look

I think I'll name him  "Lincoln",  as in "lincoln log"

Everyday, for four months,  I walked pass this guy,   and I saw " LINCOLN" ( log) for the first time  yesterday.   It sits back off the road a little,  but  I thought "he" was sort of cute.  Do you remember Lincoln Logs,  anyone?   I played with them as a kid!

The next picture is the same sort of story ......

There are "eyes" her in this picture two pair,

Very same cactus,  different set of "eyes"  made out of "reflectors"

In each of the cases and pictures I found along-the-way yesterday,  I have passed by them hundreds of times,  but for some reason,.    they simply "jumped" out at me.    Can you find the "eyes?   I counted six sets of "eyes"  in this "huge" cactus.   And I found each of these "people" (?)   _ very,  very close-to-home !!   ........................:)


Saturday,  I was out and found a few discoveries again.  "  Luck & I are often in  sync . "  

It's a pleasure to share a little "sompin sompin " with you today,  Sunday,  August 9, 2015

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................................................:),  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press archives 10/14- /1/15)  ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's a "GRAND" day for all you who are off work,  enjoying your Saturday

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

As in all days,  yesterday  I strolled down to the " STABLES",  expecting the usual visit with "Vicki" & her pal "Red".   It just didn't happen on Friday..... (Vicki's afternoon off).  Couldn't waste a good afternoon stroll or my trusty picture taking.  Don,  this man you see here drives around 28 miles (Oxnard, CA)  everyday to see and "care for" his horse named " Cheeky".

Vicki and Don have known each other for several months.

The two of them share the responsibilities.  Oh my folks,  that's a lot !   Horses require attention in order for them to stay well.  "Big lugs"........  affectionately said,    trust me !     I have come to "love" the awesome visits with RED,  DARTH,  LUKE,  FANCY,  BOOMER ,  CHEEKY and more,  many more horses,  down on the corner of Rice Rd. and Meyer Rd.

Deciding to head up-the-hill for my usual 2 mile walk this same day,  I happily encountered this adorable "threesome".  I asked if I could take their pictures.  

These two gals just happened to be  on my path to start my walk,  see picture below  

I want you to meet "CUTIE",  Claire's horse for 12 years.  These "two " devotee's  have to have long-distance phone calls,  or "romance"  

because Claire now attends a University in Massachusetts,   while her own "CUTIE" of twelve years,  has to stay behind here in a nice place in Ojai, CA.   Claire is studying Fine Arts.  The two seemed very "happy" to see each other and be together once again.  Thanks for letting us in on your sweet story,  "CLAIRE "  " CUTIE " !   I'll be more than happy to report more of the story next time you visit.

This very same day ( Friday 8/7/15),  my friend ( I named Darth Vadar) & I kissed,  but Don wasn't quick enough to get THAT shot !!!  

_  No more Friday pictures or short stories,  see ya next time at the corral,  perhaps ?

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................. :)  

"Sleepless in Seattle" .......  "You Must Remember this, a Kiss is still a Kiss , a Smile is still a Smile, the Fundamental Things Apply ,  As Time Goes BY " .......... Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Great Movie

Friday, August 7, 2015


This "TIP" will make a difference in your "LIFE"    

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'll start by saying this,  you'll not get this advice from your Doctor.....either kind,  Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Psychiatry  ( what's the difference it's all medicine anyway, huh? ).  To continue I am going to recommend this type of experiment in addition to or in place of a "tranquilizer" or "ativan" or other types of mood medicines.  First off,  I am not taking medicines of any kind and have undergone,  hordes of body & emotional changes,  all of which I have used various natural means to assist my growth.  This "ADORABLE"  wind up clock is one of many methods I use.

It dawned on me a few months to a year ago,  that this sound .... tick,  tick,  tick,  tick,  tick was  a similar sound to our own heart beat.  For me,  it was a nostalgic sound.   I used to sleep upstairs with my wonderful "grandmother" when I was a kid.   We slept in an enormous "feather" bed.
In the room was a grandfather clock and it was always ticking.  I remembered that glorious sound and made the decision to purchase a wind up clock.  This is the one,  in the above picture.

I will go-on-record as saying,  you are going to be "surprised" at the soothing and powerful results when you keep it very close to you at night or as I do,  I lay in right on my chest.  Obviously, our bodies respond to stimuli or no one would even take pills in the first place.   
In the case of a clock that sounds like a heart beat,  our own system is reminded of it's own center/ruler,  it's "HEART".  Beyond the physical is also the symbol of "LOVE"  the center of 
"LIFE".   THE  MOST  POWERFUL  FORCE   !!!!    It heals our wounds!

Go out and buy a clock,( like the one in my picture)  it doesn't cost much,  it even may sound a little silly, .......I'm certain in- the- end,   _ it   "will"  "sound"  like "relief".   It "will" alleviate a "fewsleepless nights and probably more than that !    

"OWNER OF A LONELY HEART" .......ever hear that song ?   A clock,  it's metal,  how could it work to provide comfort at times, _  "IT DOES" !!! ..........................................:) 

"LOVE" & "POWER"  is a heart beat  "AWAY "

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................................................................:)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

LIFE ........?
Morning folks,  introducing a subject called "LIFE"

I just read an article on "opinions" !   So much time spent on controversy,  on sooooooooooo
many "subjects".    Well,  I guess it's a way of "LIFE" ?   Isn't it ?   Or is it ?  I have come to find out,  blessed "LIFE IS".   And  once you are in "LOVE" with  "real LIFE" ,   all such controversies and arguments "CEASE" to exist.   When one discovers their own identity,  "LIVING" & "BEING"  takes precedent over everything else !!!

Thankfully,  I go to bed "PEACEFULLY,"   and awaken with the very same "wonderful companion " PEACE".     Drugs,  prescription or otherwise,  are NOT a part of my "LIFE" !!

The discovery that "real LIFE "  was always meant -to-be this "SIMPLE"  at first took some getting used to.   HOWEVER,  now that I am in-tune with  "peaceful co-existence with "myself"
I am more-than pleased to just "RELAX and take- it- all- in.   The "extraordinary "BEAUTY"  of
 the extraordinary "aspects" of   "TRUE LIFE."   With it's "ease & simplicity". 

All I can tell you is this,  _ " I ADORE IT" !   Frankly , it is anything but "boring".   It's simple,
but  exciting and refreshing.     My email address is:  jstalucky1 ,  &  it is so  "TRUE,  I AM." 
"LUCKY"  !!!!!

"  TO  LIFE  "

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Yep,  this is "me",  waiting patiently for someone to come help me get-into-town !

by :  Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Oh, by the way,  in this picture it is 90 degrees at 10:00 a.m.  We "DO" get lots of "weather" in this beautiful little burg !  It gets very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.  being outdoors is what I prefer.  So, most days I just quite simply grab my walker and do just that !!!
I go where the people are and the vistas are plentiful.

On the move.......that's COUNTRY

The only drawback is,  there are  grocery bags to carry too!

 If by any chance I sound ungrateful,  don't count on it,........I know this is a wonderful "GIG" and cannot think of enough ways to express my thanks for the "precious LIFE" I now ENJOY.

The beautiful views on my way to.....

our nearest grocery store ( Von's) 5 miles !
Everyday I go to the store,  I walk at least 3 miles.  I take the trolley to Von's and then back to my stop on La Luna,  and head back to my little "oasis".

My driver took me a little further today 
Thank  you George,  you're a "gem" 

Me again,  shopping for "grub"

This blog/post is dedicated to the fundraiser I started a few weeks ago regarding the purchase of a "golf cart" for me to use when I have bad weather to contend with.  It just seems the smartest way to provide me with travel means.  Automobiles,  not-so-much !  

donate to Relief Fund ( Managing Transportation - Mary Carlson)  Please accept my undying gratitude & love for your contributions to this cause.
It is going to be a "relief" for sure to be independent in this way.

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

"All the way to town" 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

In just a minute,  I will be presenting a different variety ( of animals) .... 

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

"Not"  _  this little cutie,  ... faithful, .....adorable, ......witty,.....playful, 

ta da ! "LILY"   

as in lilymakesmesmile,  LILY.  I do hope you have had a chance to meet her over on my blogs on Word  _ .  I really love her and miss her sweet face.   Read up on my blogs of August - January 2014 - 2015.   Isn't she sweet ? 

Yesterday, August 3, 2015,   I went for yet "ANOTHER" walk,   (sigh),  yep,  I sure did.  This time on my walk,

(  a quick look at the moon,  you can barely see it at 7:30 am) 

 These morning travelers sat patiently while I captured their "essence"

and of course,  here is "chipper" Fred and his master, George
 a "great" pair.  I enjoyed making their acquaintance. 

Mornings with the sun appearing,  while the moon is waning is a delightful combination.   I am "thankful"  I get to "meet & greet",   both the people and their dogs & the "waking up of morn".

Greet the mornings where you live .... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................. :)

Monday, August 3, 2015

"Sale" over for this month ,  more in the future it seems 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Last Saturday I held a very productive "Yard Sale".   Oh, don't judge by this picture ,  there's more 
I was able to eek out several signs on various mediums,  like for instance,  pillow cases...below 

Indeed ,  I did use pillow cases and customers from all over commented on my unusual signs....... 

here's  another look at the goods .......

I enjoyed myself and made a profit at the same time ....can't beat that ! 

As the day progressed,  others began to participate and decided to join me soon ( September, 2015) in a neighborhood "YARD SALE".   I "LOVE "it  !   Sounds like an awesome deal.  Then my friend, Vicki ( remember, Vicki & Red ( her horse)...that story coming up soon),  anyway, there will be a few more participants next time.

You might imagine how people enjoyed the beautiful surroundings here at the "ranch".  Yep, they did.  When the sun changed after about 10:00 am,  i started moving tables around.  It seemed prudent for people to to able to stand and look without the sun glaring down on them and the items for sale.  The tables & I moved around 4 or 5 times during the sale.  I just "chuckled" at myself for deciding to do that in the first place.  I was comfortable and so were the others.

Creativity and necessity, (the mother of invention)  are loads of fun.  LIFE doesn't usually get boring for me.  It does though occasionally.  That's when I either "go with it",  or change it.  
CHANGE for more comes often.  I know sometimes it "REALLY" does seem uncomfortable 
but when your brain has a chance to produce life-giving stimuli,  it just makes for an interesting 
"self".  At the "HELM"  of making changes,  is the product of "FAITH".  It really does make it all possible.  And believe me,  it is "scary" too! 

There are lots of "surprises" in "LIFE",  and being ready for what comes isn't often the case.  But learning to expect "change" will make  &  increase your success and ability to grow with it.

It  "IS"  all in the game ....all in the wonderful game that we know as "LOVE" ! ......( sung by: Mr. Nat King Cole)

Be ready folks,  change is a comin',  ride the tide........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................:)   or "2"