Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here I am again,  pumpin' iron (or wood)...........:)  Hey folks,  not really,   just a gimmick,   BUT,   I surely did "LOAD" up those there logs,   yep,   sure as shootin'........

by: Kat M. Carlson _author/publisher

Ah Life,  can't live with it and can't live without it !   Oh, you know, once in a while,  we run into snags,  at least I do.  A for instance is,  when I figure out how to make money writing,  that will make-my-day.  For almost a year I have looked up on the internet and TRIED a whole lot of ways to monetize this medium for me.  But,  I  WILL,   find a way,  I  "WILL". 

Right now,  in the works I am planning to write my first book.  This October I begin the interview process.  The story is very "sweet" about a gal & "HER"  special  horse named "RED".  Many people will be able to relate and also take away something from it that will inspire their own lives.

Red is quite a "handsome" guy,  I say, (although he is NOT quite this red in reality,  but lots & lots of pictures have been taken of one so special ..........

But this blog is about "the information highway".  Five years ago,  at age 70,  my brother in Idaho got me my very first laptop (computer).  Another brother ( I only have four brothers),  came to see me,  and being-in-the-business,  "taught me " a cursory course on "how - to" use a computer.  Well,  I took to it like a duck to water.  Unbelievable and I was a "happy camper".

Later, around two years later,  after writing family and friends,  I had a strong desire to write blogs.  Still I didn't try for another two years and then my oldest son suggested that I write a blog. That was all it took.  I then set up my own web site and have always done so.  No "hosting" for me.  That just might change though.   Still looking for a way to monetize my "passion" !  ( What's that saying , what you "LOVE' and the money will follow ? )

Of course,  there's always brick laying & loading up cut tree logs,  yep,  that was me that did  all that...:)

 However, as much as I enjoy this sort of thing,  I'll stick to writing,  _thank you very much !!

Outside this day,  I decided to "work" and take in the breathtaking view !   LIFE  is " AWESOME" !!  So much to see & do.  Don't you just love it ?

"HAPPY SUNDAY" in every part of the "WORLD" ....................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:),,,,  ( archives 2014-2015) http:// ( I Support Life & Living Words)  

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oh now, wait, "dinner isn't ready yet " (Fundraiser for Mary Carlson)  that's me (Kat) Transportation (Golf Cart)

I really enjoy walking......true enough

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A golf cart can be/ will be a help this hot summer and again in the ensuing months.  We here in California expect "RAIN",  don't we before many more months.  It can rain and rain, and everything will be "green" again.  Beautiful Lake Casistas,  (here in Ojai, CA)  can fill up again.  It's 60 ft. lower than it has ever been.

So, with that said _ Rain is 'a comin' and I want to go "grocery shopping"  when the pantry dictates that I do so.  All of you ( family , friends & followers ) have time to help me raise some $
for my Golf Cart to ride into town (10 miles) and pick up what I need/want at the store.

More pictures of the terrain here in our little "burg"  ...

Both of these pictures are Rice Road,  each & every morning I walk


down this road,  _ this morning two coyotes dashed across the Road,   no more than 8 ft in front of me  !  I "stopped" short, and continued to walk.  Last week,  I saw two deer,  frolicking across the very same vicinity.   Most days,  cute little white-tailed rabbits dash around ( not to forget the squirrels)  ......  f-u-n-n-y  &  f-u-n !    I get a kick out of the wild life "gracing" our roads and meadows.

This particular day there was a storm threat

Friendly folks are often passing by and it's a treat for me to make their acquaintances.

before I leave you with this "happy" person's picture,......
I ask you again,  donate to the cause,  please !  Mary's golf cart
for trips to and from Ojai, CA. "Transportation ( Golf Cart) ( Fundraiser).....I appreciate it !
Thank you !   ( oh yes,  I forgot to mention that I am 75 yrs. of age,  here in this picture.

"IT'S A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING "...........  The Moon Is Shining Bright  ....  la la la la la la ..............:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)


 KNOW WHO'S COMING ............

That would be "me"..........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The entire time I have been rejoicing about this "great"  "LIFE & LOVE"  of mine,  it looks like I had not yet discovered this new "whole" complete "ME" ( inside & out).  This morning in the bed even before I got up and in the shower,  while i was dressing, and during my "coffee time",  I was literally getting acquainted with "myself" on a level that amazed "Me".    After 75 yrs,  I thought I knew "ME".   Turns out,  there's some "new"things  (aspects about me)  I am discovering.  And it is _ very pleasant,  (believe it or not). 

This exchange at breakfast was the exact same thing,  as inviting and important guest, relaxed and then continuing to ask questions to "learn" more about them.   It came as a complete surprise,  but one that I am  "happy and so very comfortable"  with.   Well,  who knew ? 

So as I have said often in my blogs,  "the mystery continues to unfold".   It's a beautifulbeautiful  experience,   this extraordinary thing called  "LIFE".    75 years old and it's brand new for me.   Become all you can "BE" .........   There's  MORE  in "YOU" & "ME"  ........  lots "MORE" to discover ,  love &  <"ENJOY">.    In every possible way,   physically,    financially,   mentally,   &  spiritually ,   "there's a "great deal more to "experience".   The complete picture is yet unfolding  for me,.......  it's how LIFE was meant to be for me !!!!   

Yesterday, I went shopping at Target's ( department store in Ventura, CA),  I bought a cute shirt, this morning I put it on, and then I read it, it says "HAMMOCK,  _SUNSHINE, _ NO PLANS, PERFECTION._"  on it.  I grinned from ear to ear.  _ "ALRIGHT"....   I'll drink to that !!!

"JOY",   that's it,   what a "THRILL" !!!     Get "linked" to IT  !!

Find a song today that "fills" you with "JOY"...  

One that does that for me is   " YOU'LL NEVER FIND   A LOVE LIKE MINE,   someone who

 loves you tender like I do ",  by Mr. Lou Rawls............... he's awesome (was) !   Well,  another one by him , I 

like  is  " LADY LOVE"     Ever hear those songs ?  There's this one.... by Mr. Nat King Cole..... 

THE VERY THOUHT OF YOU, and I forget to do, the ordinary things that everyone ought to do,

I'm  living in a kind of daydream,   I'm happy as a king,   but foolish though it may seem, 

to me you're everything,  WOW,  that's powerful !

(_A Wink & a Smile"_).......................................................................................:)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's all  good !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher

Honestly folks,  YESTERDAY,    the "title" of my blog was,  "Let's take a trip to Bermuda".   I had more viewers than ever.    I chuckle,  because,  well,   just "because"..............:)  When I woke up this morning,  I took a trip.   I took a deeper broader view of  "my _ Place of Happiness _ my "home",  _ my "HEART".   Inside me,  is the best place on "Earth",  "HEAVEN".  If you think I am kidding,  "trust me",   not a chance !  

One morning,  years ago,  I stood in my oldest son's bedroom, (second floor) looked down at my youngest son practicing hoops.  He is and was a disciplined,  self-motivated, "loving" "rascal",
and when I looked at him, always diligent ,  (mind you he was only 14-ish),  I knew what I wanted
for "ME" .  Depression had consumed me for the bulk of my Life and I poured out my "Heart" to whoever would listen,  "I want, not only what He has, but what has him" _ Somehow, I knew,  I wanted to Love,   but I also wanted   "LOVE-TO-HAVE-ME"!!!!!!  All these years later,  "that's what "IS" inside me.  I DO LOVE,  but better than that,  "LOVE HAS ME",   PEACE has ME,  REST has ME,   JOY has ME,    FAITH has Me,   TRUST has ME,   the list is "ENDLESS". 

 So, in "REALITY",   I want  "nothing",   nothing- at- all.

Now,  now that I do have "everything",  I "can" LIVE",   really LIVE,    like I never knew was possible.  Whether I go to Bermuda,  Indonesia,  the Tropics,  Hawaii,  Singapore,  Australia, Peru,  or stay here, ( that's just geography),    I AM,   in the "happiest" place on "EARTH"  , "HEAVEN - IN- MY- HEART".    Hey,   it is NOT    just a   "cliche",    IT'S NOT,   and I recommend the "investment" that it took for me to "arrive",  in HEAVEN.        <  Yours & my "heart "   is the "CENTER" of- The- Universe  >    READ THAT AGAIN _  < Yours & my "HEART"  (separately of course)  IS the CENTER   of the UNIVERSE >   More important than anything you"ll ever know is   _THAT FACT!

 In our "hearts" is where we "LIVE",  there is "PEACE",  inside !  It will NEVER leave you.
IT'S a "beautiful" morning !!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BERMUDA (Transportation Golf Cart )

Let's get away from it all ...........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good Morning one & all,

Think I'm tired of  "beautiful",  "heavenly", "serene",  "luscious" Ojai  ?  ......  Well,  I've never been to Bermuda.    It might be nice for a change,  huh?    Have you ..........been to Bermuda ?  The trip I am alluding to is my own little burg of Ojai California in a "GOLF CART" .  Recently I signed up for a Fundraiser Campaign called "GiveForward".    So the long & the short of it is,  they are assisting me in raising enough funds to help me purchase a form of transportation to and from the "grocery store" ,  Doctors, & Dentists.    Most of you know I walk everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere.   I walk many, many miles everyday.   I can and do still do that.    The problem ensuing is "heat" and "rain".   Having a little put-put ( like a "GOLF CART ")  just  would be affordable & "NEAT".    Yeah,  I'm just-a-kid at "heart".  

Back from "town" to my little ole' grass shack....:)

I am including a link for this campaign ( Fundraiser) through   ( TRANSPORTAION (GOLFCART)  The next step for me is to donate  $25  to my own Fundraiser. 

An exciting "future" event for me is to add another dimension to my activities.  I like to sing,  and I have found a small coffee house that has an "open mike"  night on Tuesdays.   It is held at 6:00-7:00 p.m.  My goodness, a "golf cart" is going to make that "DREAM" come true.

Please help out by "spreading the word" to others about this Fundraiser (
TRANSPORTATION (Golf Cart).  Yep, that's mine under the name of Mary Carlson, given name.  I promise I'll post lots of picture and lots of "thanks" for whatever support you contribute.

Bermuda ?   Maybe it will be in my future.  You "never" know. _____ "REAL"  LIFE IS A BIG "Wonderful"   MYSTERY   ___!!!!

I open my "mystery book"  again this bright,  beautiful,  morning with a "song in my heart ",
" YOUR MINE & & WE BELONG TOGETHER" for all eternity !

Til next time .......... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................................:) 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Is this "really" Southern California ?   It just keeps on "RAINING " with temperatures of 99 degrees. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My topic " Day by Day",  has to do with each & everyday,  I wake up,   yawn,   stretch,  make a trip to the "little girls room"  open (or close) windows,   step outside and touch "nature" with a greeting,  pour a cup of java,  sit down at my laptop and see "what unfolds".  My entire Life consists of  "what mystery will unfold" today ?  There are NO fixed plans.   Simply none.

It didn't use to be that way.   But it is my constant "delight" to get to experience  new and fun things  that could probably only thrill me,  and definitely does alright.  The very best thing I experience along with new adventures is the  "PEACE"  that accompanies/carries me.   A better companion,  could not "EVER" be found.    Among other things,  I have "strength" , performing tasks  that make me scratch my head and say to myself,    "I don't believe I just did that !"  Designing and creating just sometimes blows my mind.   I say to myself,  "how did I do that or know that ?"  _  Answer : " I don't know",  EVERY TIME !!!!

Often simply ,  there are "shortcuts",  lots of them,   just a  "smarter,   simpler,  less expensive  way",   to perform something that use to be harder /more expensive !    That too I relish and "naturally" look forward to.   I get to say to myself,   " I  LIKE  ME" !!!    Yeah,  I really do that !    If that is a "normal" daily experience for you,   then I am just a late bloomer,  but hey,  who cares,  better late than never!!

My "DAY" is just beginning,  "I  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  IT" .....................

The avocados are "growing" and they are " SO " good.   Looks like I will be doing "more" weeding soon !

 In a "large" nursery type pot,  ( needs to be transplanted),  is a "FIG" tree.  The oranges
 are sweet and juicy.  Now,  for my breakfast,  think I'll have  an "orange,  oatmeal, with blueberries,  honey and plain yogurt ".   Oh yes,  sometimes for a snack later,   I have sourdough bread made with rosemary and olive oil,  topped with melted sharp cheddar cheese!   Sound good ?

I'm ready for "life" to unfold 

Thanks you for visiting me today................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................................................................. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


CHECK OUT ............  APOD ( Astronomy Picture of the Day )
_ today,  July 20, 2015   WOW !!

* It's a "great Big,  wonderful world"  we live     
  ( oh yes,  oh yes,  another "beautiful" song )

"Be wise,  be smart,  behave my heart"  

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................................................:)