Showing posts with label Bliss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bliss. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Here in _country-land, U.S.A. ,  "LIFE" is quite simply, a fabulous trip !  As the song goes, by Johnny Mathis,  " IT'S  HEAVENLY,  HEAVENLY. "  I hope you have heard that one.  If not, I am certain you will enjoy it when you do.  Another song/album,  I can't say enough about is: Barbra Streisand's,   " A LOVE LIKE OURS" !

This is home-on-the-range for me.  Yesterday,  I walked around the property with gobs of trees, 
all kinds of them avocados (14), orange (40+), oak ( I stopped counting those) , pepper trees, and other varieties as well.  I took my camera for a few new shots for my blogs.  This one above is a sample. Now,  this one ....

A few avocado trees

Sigh ...........well,  the topic or title this day is "HEAVENLY" , and I want to say,  as I lay down on my bed at 6:30 p.m. exhausted,  I felt , ready for this ?,  oh my,  the feeling was "BLISS".  I have been concentrating or creating in my mind,  this thought, "a blissful body",  I was taken aback (not really),  just purely & simply,  lavished in my first experience of actual "BLISS".  

Life is good.  It just keep getting better.   Practice " SILENCE",  _my recent updated article over on Google+ and Facebook,  but you can also find it on Blogger ( One Step Closer, by me Kat Carlson).

I still walk up-the-hill each & every morning, along with visiting the stables, horses & my friend (hard-working) Vicki

"Devotion" _  ( that's her "RED") 
 The horses,   people,   working the land,   trimming trees,   raking,   piling and loading these leaves,   branches,... they ALL,   contribute to my   JOY and PEACE and now BLISS.     Hard work of this kind,  makes for a  "happy" LIFE.   You see,  I don't stress over these things or any kind of things I do now,  when I want to quit,  I walk away ,  that is the same for everything I do.   Just put-it-aside,  it isn't going away,   and there is plenty of time to go back.  Make no mistake,  I DO enjoy the work too !

So now,  this morning,  there's a variety of music for you,  a must- read article/blog on SILENCE, this one on Heavenly,  and a whole "brand new day"  to write your story on.  You are your own composer,  ya know ?   

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................:)